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Sunday Memories and Photographs: The Manila Cathedral And Everything Nice Around It

138/366 Quarantine Day 63 ~ It's funny when I read from somewhere how people classify the current date under "BC" which stands for "Before Corona" so it would read like AD (Anno Domini) and BC (Before Christ).  Thinking back from the last time I really had an enjoyable wandering before the lock down was mandated, the classification seems valid though.  It gives you the feel that the last time you had the freedom to be out and wander was some hundred years back and not just some months ago. More than 60 days into the lock down, we are all probably wondering when and where was the last time you had a nice wandering before the government-mandated lock down caused by the COVID19 pandemic forced us to stay put. For me, it was a week before the declaration of the total lock down which was March 08, 2020 BC to be exact.  It was a very happy chance! A happy chance because we never planned to visit the place where we enjoyed our time.  It was a result of some u

Ang Huling El Bimbo The Musical

131/366 Quarantine Day 75  ~ I'm not here to do a review for this one great musical,  Aside from the reason that I don't have a formal training in doing a review for stage plays and musicals, I feel so incapable to even discuss this one great creation. An all Filipino one!  My purpose here is to tell everybody to go watch it!  So as not to miss one half of your life! Set your heart to be ready though.  It's not one for a soft heart or for "kilig" moments.  It's heavy and tragic.  It might make you cry or in my case, I ended up with a heavy but happy heart!  The good catch is that you'll be on for a treat for a non-stop Eraser Heads songs played by a live band!  That alone is a good good reason to watch this musical plus that you can do it in the convenience of your home for free! Aside of course for the great performances of Filipino theater actors.  This is the best entertainment one can offer during this time of pandemic.

Sunday Thoughts And Photograph: Hello Summer, Stay Please?

117/366 Quarantine Day 42 Are you really here? I'd like to see you, feel you! But the crowned virus is out there to get us! Wait for us please? Bear with us? Stay a bit longer? The virus didn't like you, you know that? So we need you to stay a while longer please? Probably more than a hundred days is better Stay summer, please stay... *** The photograph is taken in the summer of 2019 (last year).  From one of the beautiful beaches in Nasugbu, Batangas.  Dark shades, waterproof mobile cam and some shells collected from the beach are among my summer treasures.  Take me back.

Sunday Song, Prayer and A Photograph: Why The Happy Birthday Song?

110/366 Quarantine Day 35 I was listening to the Sunday Healing Mass (televised) today which is being officiated by Father Oscar Orbos. This had been a usual in the house even before the lock down brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Every 6:00AM on Sundays, I open the television and our home celebrates the mass via the television.  But, of course we still attend the actual celebration later in the day. One of the lesson that struck me most during this celebration is the advise that Father Orbos gave before his final blessing.  He reminded about washing hands.  He said that instead of singing the Happy Birthday song, why not say the "Hail Mary". Thinking about it I realized its one sensible advise.  My birthday happened last month on the very day that the lock down took effect and there was really nothing "happy" about it.  Birthday celebration in this time of pandemic is not the best thing to do when other people are mourning for the death of their love one

Merry Month of March No More

75/366 Today the 75th day of the year, the government announced that the Enhanced Community Quarantine should take effect on midnight tonight. ECQ for most people is a subtle term for lock down. Today happens to be my birthday as well.  Today will encompassed all previous birthdays that I considered the most memorable ones as today is undeniably my most unforgettable. Yesterday, amidst the anxieties and panic caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, I was lucky (and smart) enough to score myself a birthday cake from SnR.    I remembered to snatch it from the rack and took advantage of the discount as well. We did an early grocery shopping before the lock down takes effect to secure home necessities grabbing on cleaning and hygiene materials.  I bought just enough and throw dagger looks to those who were obviously hoarding. I hoped I was able to help a bit by doing my part of just buying enough and sending signals to those who were hoarding (laughs). Though I can no longer call my birt

Sunday Story and Photograph: Me and Ed Sheeran on Mother's Day

I don't have Ed Sheeran in my saved Spotify playlist. Not because I don't like the guy or his music but, because I don't feel the need to add him on my personal saved playlist because you can literally hear his music EVERYWHERE! At work, in classy or cheap shops, taxis or any kind of commute or to whatever place that music can be played Ed is there. Almost all singers both famous, wannabes and you-tubers are doing covers of his music to the point of making his Perfect song IMperfect (sigh*). Anyway it's perfectly understandable.  Who wouldn't love Ed Sheeran?  Apart from him being a genius song writer and possessing an awesome voice that gets to your heart's core, the guy is also (freaking) adorable with his "all-time-casual-attitude, cutie smiles, ginger head plus looking like Ron Weasley. Personally, I love Ed Sheeran's music because most of them is written from the (his) heart meaning, they are all so so true.  They seem to be always written a

Sunday Poem and Photograph: She Who Loves The Beach

It’s the second week of the new year and the official summer time in tropical Philippines is still two months short and yet all I’m thinking about is the beach. While people were stressing themselves with the holiday rush and parties, I was busy hopping from one beach to another.  I know this sounded weird but as I’ve said on my new year's post , I’m having flighty feet lately and my body has been shouting to spend time with nature specifically to the beach.  But, family and work obligations got in the way during the summer so when I got the chance to take a vacation I grabbed all the opportunities!  The hell I care about the cold December breeze I went beach and island hopping! I even ignore a gorgeous year-end party at the Palace Pool Club and declined other holiday-related invitations. Out of itchiness and longing, I even spent time (and money) to an urban man-made beach in the city.  However, it just worsen the longing rather than it served as a temporary remedy.  The longi