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Showing posts with the label valentine

47/365: The First Time I Let Someone Interrupt My Valentine Night Out.

16th of February We were about to step out for a very late night out on Valentine night when one of the local channels feed a live screening of the 2014 SOCHI WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES.  This doesn’t happen normally in Philippine television that a regular programming will be suddenly cut out off the air to feed a live coverage of the Winter Olympic games.  The reason of course is our very own MICHAEL CHRISTIAN MARTINEZ is competing. Hubby and I automatically sat back on the couch and hooked ourselves on the TV screen.  It was like an unspoken agreement that our night out will be delayed.  My whole family is such a sports fan.  You’ll find us absorbed together in front of the television enjoying various sports program. When Michael performed my whole family was cheering as if we were watching the game live in Sochi.  When the scores was flashed after the end of the first set of competitors we were on standing ovation. Hail to this UNIQUELY talented Filipino. A figure skater from a

45/365: HV-Day! Just Want to Greet You All!

♥14th of February♥ Happy Valentine’s Day to all!  Happy Heart’s Day or Happy Feast Day of St. Valentine or whatever :)  I just want to peek here and greet you all! (Though this is posted later than the tagged date because I was out ;) I’m roaming around the net and I’m seeing hearts everywhere! So here I am holding mine out  :) How did your Valentine’s Day go?  Wanna share it here? Mine was simple but definitely one lovely day (and night) and more importantly NOT stressful. Just a piece of thought for all – “Learn to take care of your heart first before you expect someone to take care of it”.

Valentine in the City. How Was Yours?

It’s real fun going around the city on Valentine’s Day.  It is amazing how every corner turned into a cupid-invaded planet . Aside from the roaming lovers in “hhww” (holding hands while walking), everywhere is an atmosphere of love, love, love… a mall in Makati City a mall lobby that turned into an instant flower shop The Mall of Asia hosting a mass wedding sponsored by the Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig Fund) So how’s your V-day? Was it a V as in victory? The victory or success in our life’s special occasions such as Valentine’s Day doesn’t really depends how expensive the gifts and flowers you received or how expensive the restaurants you dated, or how famous the shows you watched.  It could be anything that both of you enjoyed together no matter how simple it is.  Be it the simplest daily runs and chores you do together… It could be a run in the morning together. A trip to the bank together. Buying flowers together while you haggle for the price even if he

Google Doodle Valentine's Day 2012

This is why I love Google! They have their unique way of entertaining their users through their Google Doodle. When you visit Google homepage on Valentine’s Day it will show you their Valentine’s Day logo. Hover your mouse over the Valentine's Day logo and it will read: "Happy Valentine's Day! Cold, Cold Heart performed by Tony Bennett courtesy of Columbia Records and Sony / ATV. When you click on it will allow you to view this short animation and sound clip Google Valentine’s Day 2012 Doodle Video (Acknowledgment to 3dCarShows for uploading this video) After the animation and sound clip, it will automatically direct you to Google Search Result’s Page about “Valentine’s Day” Valentine's Day is a real busy day for almost everyone – flowers/gift hunting for guys and gals, wifey cooking the best meal for hubby, restaurant reservations... so I thought of posting it here in case some of you missed this. What I love most about this is that how they