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Showing posts with the label travel flair

Food Fair: Best Food Forward

As you may have noticed, I have been featuring lots of events, fairs, foreign artists shows, trade exhibits and the likes in this blog, some may think that I’m earning money in doing this but I’m not (at least for now lol). Featuring these events in my blog is my way of helping and promoting the best happenings in the city which name I carry in my blog and where I live and breath.  Obviously, I love this city- ♥Manila♥. So now I guess I have featured a number of different kinds of events, but actually I have been looking for one particular subject that I am very eager to feature – FOOD!  Filipinos are food loving people and this blog wouldn’t be complete without featuring a food fair.  I have been continuously searching for such until I chanced upon one good-looking food event from the lovable people of Nuffnang (I hope I‘ll win the contest - lol again). I'm pretty sure this will be featured in the thousands of food blogs out there but still, here's my pitch. So here’s on