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Showing posts with the label surprise

Thank You Is The Order of The Day– To One Fine Lady From Norway

Since it seems like my blogging mojo is a bit back, let me prioritized what I have been wanting to write about for months now and this is to say an official and BIG THANK YOUs to a number of good people that I am blessed to encounter with in cyber space. Let me start by saying a HUGE APOLOGY and THANK YOU to one sweet blogger friend who thoughtfully responded to my published post back in January of last year -  “ A Book is Added to My Wish List ”. It caught me by surprise when one day around March last year (my birthday month) I received a registered mail notice from my local post office.  You see this kind of registered notice doesn’t say much about what’s on the parcel so you don’t have a choice but to actually check at the post office what this is about. If you have been following this blog you will know how much I hate dealing with government offices. Their “system” never fails to drain the very minimal bits of patience in my body.  But I didn’t have a choice then so I summo

73/365: Today and Tonight is a Prelude of Happiness Before Tomorrow...

14th of March A morning run. A walk in the park that I have been wanting to visit. And a sweet surprise from awesome blogger friends! I’m dying to share you the stories but I’m heading out for a date tonight with the man I love. Let us just say that today and tonight is a prelude of happiness for my birthday… which is yet tomorrow.

Sunday Quotes and Photograph: Surprise!

Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us ~ Boris Pasternak ~ The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy ~ Karl Von Clausewitz ~   First there was a tweet question.  Then I gave a “funny tweet reply”.  Followed by few more tweet questions and answers.  Before I can seriously believe everything, some dollars are in my PayPal account! Whoaaaa! This is the most pleasant surprise in my whole blogging life! If you want to know the full story, go check out Gracie Goes Gaga !  Blogger friend Gracie loves giving surprises, who knows you might get one too! But don’t forget to greet Gracie a HAPPY 1st BLOG ANNIVERSARY ! THANK YOU Gracie!  You really surprised me! HAPPY 1st Blog Anniversary too!  I wish you more fruitful, enjoyable and successful blogging life! And I wish you well my friend.  You are one among the people who makes my blogging life more enjoyable!