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Showing posts with the label road trip

22/365:When In Iloilo: Road Trip To Barotac Nuevo

Today’s destination is Barotac Nuevo! Barotac Nuevo is a second class municipality in the province of Iloilo City.   The name came from the Spanish word “Baro” which means mud, as well as the last syllables of “tac” and “lutac”.  “Nuevo” means new to distinguished it from another town called Barotac Viejo. This town can be reached  in an hour trip coming from the city proper. (Source: Wikipedia)   This is one real road trip! We commute via the public transport Iloilo jeepney yey! According to local folklore Barotac Nuevo was famous for its well-bred horses  and whose main industry and capital is in agriculture.  Thus explains the view of hectares and hectares of agricultural fields during the entire trip. The town's agricultural output includes rice, sugar cane, and spinach.  Marine products such as milk fish and tilapia are harvested from local fisheries.  There are usually three annual rice garvests, depending on the season. (Source: Wikipedia) Going to Barotac Nue

Road Trip to Cabatuan… Cemetery

By that I am referring to Cabatuan Cemetery in Cabatuan, Iloilo City, Region 6, Philippines, Asia. It was not actually a road trip going to the cemetery. Who wants a road trip leading to the cemetery anyway? I chanced upon this place during our road trip from Iloilo City going to Janiauy – a province in Iloilo City, Philippines.  What I was looking forward to see during this road trip are the famous old Iloilo churches.  But… this is what exactly caught my eyes Me: What is that? Relative 1: (Grinning) “On no you don’t want to go there, it’s not a church,” Me:   It looks mysterious, can we stop and check please? Relative 2: (Wide eyed) It’s a cemetery!” Me: Really? Wow it’s beautiful! Can we stop please? I’ll just take some quick shots All Relatives:   We’re not going with you, you know… we’ll just stay in the car! Me: Ok, but try to step on the breaks when the car drives by itself (grinning) … and they all get out of the car (he he he) a treasure find! amazing t

Road Trip to San Mateo Isabela

By that I am referring to San Mateo Isabela, Region 2, Philippines, Asia. I could say that this is the longest road trip I’ve been to so far.  Before this it was Baguio.  When we passed by Nueva Ecija it dawned on me that it is farther than Nueva Vizcaya!  Hey! laugh at me if you wish!  I’m not a Google map lover! I’d rather read blogs than tire my eyes looking at maps.  And for me any place in the Philippines that has “Nueva” is one among the farthest (now lol at myself). Well according to genius search sites, the actual distance of  San Mateo Isabela from Manila is 263 kilometers.  You can check more details about road trip to this province through search sites but I can share to you right now what I actually experienced.  Tag along with me as I share our exciting (and a bit scary) road trip. The photos are taken on the way back to Manila.  I was not able to take photos on the way to Isabela because it was a night trip.  We left Manila by 3:00PM and we reached our destination