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Showing posts with the label personal

73/365: Today and Tonight is a Prelude of Happiness Before Tomorrow...

14th of March A morning run. A walk in the park that I have been wanting to visit. And a sweet surprise from awesome blogger friends! I’m dying to share you the stories but I’m heading out for a date tonight with the man I love. Let us just say that today and tonight is a prelude of happiness for my birthday… which is yet tomorrow.

70/365: All About Me: Finally My A To Z

11th of March   After (roughly) 270 days (8 months) I am finally replying to this tag by Senyor Iskwater  (LOL).   Thank you for this tag Senyor. Well it was not because I forgot about this.  I was just really looking for a perfect time to make this post.  And since I am posting an “All About Me” series in relation to March being my birth month, so this is it! A. Attached or Single? Very attached. Very married.  Till death do we part. B. Best Friend? Sorry but I can’t pick just one.  I have several sets of friends that I already considered as family and they are all my best.  Though I have one BFF that I consider my “other half” because we literally know each other too well.  I won’t mention the name so as not to be biased with my other BFF’s. C. Cake or pie? Cake with coffee please! Anybody sending me one for my birthday?  It’s just few days from now so I need one to blow my birthday candle please? (**grin**) D. Day of choice? Any day with my family E. Essential

69/365: All About Me: On Blogging and Writing

10th of March This article was originally posted on my blog "The Lucky Blog".  Since I am posting an "All About Me" series here, I believe this is the perfect time to re-post this. *** Hey it’s my birthday week! So why not share some weird things about me?  Let’s start with one of my passion - blogging and writing! I write better when music is pumped in my ears matched with a mug of coffee. I have a variety of choices but on top of them are Gregorian Chant, Enya, Barry Manilow, Jim Croce and believe it or not – Queen’s Freddie Mercury.   “Queen Live in Wimbley” is plugged in my ears while I’m writing this . For coffee – not too sweet not to creamy but preferably strong!  I don’t mind about the brand as long as it smells and tastes like coffee. I have a 500 gig external hard that where I stock my photos for blogging.  Each photo in there has a story saved in my brain’s draft folder. I am a magnet to dramatic, sad and lonely post ("emo") t

68/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: It Was One of Those March Days

9th of March It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold. When it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens~ Wow that was quick ! It was one of those March days when I was born . Consider this as a prelude – let’s talk about me!

60/365: The 60-Day Milestone

1st of March Hello March!  Here you are surprising me when I’m not even done with my February postings for my “365 Day Blogging Challenge”.  Your coming made me realized that… I'm definitely nuts! Admittedly February was a struggling month. There were days and weeks that it was impossible for me to sit down and write, even visit my own blogs or to even moderate the comments. I tried to prepare myself for days like this by making my own heads up on how the coming hopelessly busy days will affect my posting.  Drafting some future posts was also not effective because by the time that I go back to those drafts to finalize them, the “feel” and “interest” for the topic is gone .  This is really one hell of a challenge! But if you think that I’m backing out from this challenge because of what I had experienced in the month of February – you are wrong.  Here I am behind by five posts for February and yet I’m still NOT backing out! Yes no! Definitely not!  In fact this became more

59/365: Mac and Me: Happy Birthday Mac!

28th of February It’s my BFF’s birthday and I’m cramming to get this greetings done and posted.  Well it’s almost midnight and just few more tick on the clock it’s no longer her birthday (LOL). I’m supposed to write this earlier when I arrived home from work just before going to the celebrant’s dinner celebration.  However I was welcomed at home by the “stroke-triggering“ news that I don’t have an internet!  My DSL is down again and when I called the ( cold )hot line of my “wonderful” (grrr) service provider ,  it made me wait till eternity while listening to their nauseating “voice/music prompt hold” before a human picked up the phone only to tell me that they can not provide me (yet) a concrete information why my internet is down. (What’s new?)   They robotically provided me a reference number and asked for my updated call back number which I’m sure is just a waste of time because they will NEVER EVER call you back to tell you what’s going on! I have a ton of experience and his

51/365: My Soul Learned A Little About Surfing Through “Soul Surfer”

20th of February Unlike most bloggers (and other people) I don’t have a bucket list or a “50 before 50”  thingy on my profile.  Although I have a mental list of things that I want to do before I die one of which is to run a full marathon (42K baby!) – but the thing is , I don’t document them.  Probably because I’m really an spontaneous person. Lately I’m starting to add some more adventures (and dreams) to the things that I still wan to do before I die.  There’s another one that I added today and let me share this one to you. I want to experience… Surfing! This thought is kinda disappointing right now because just some weeks back I could have experienced surfing in Baler ( Aurora, Philippines – which is starting to be popular  right now ).  But because I’m too hooked up with work I missed an email invite from a friend for a Baler adventure – of course this is another story .  So why suddenly surfing? I came home one day from work and saw this movie playing on our fam

48/365: Wok With Balut: A Sequel To The Tilapia for Lunch

17th of February I’m supposed to be writing about love songs for this love month but this food series is more important.  I need to serve the sequel while it’s fresh and hot (LOL). What I mean is that there’s still the Part 2 for the Tilapia Dish that posted.  It is because hubby is the one who bought the live tilapia fishes.  The problem when he’s buying the tilapia is that he always buys too much – more than two kilos!  Imagine we are just four in the family! Well I can’t blame him because he’s really a fish person and Tilapia is really among his top favorites. And because I don’t want to lose the freshness of the tilapia I asked them if they want it again for dinner which they joyfully agreed in chorus.  So here’s another version of a Tilapia dish. SARCIADONG TILAPIA Ingredients/Simple “how to” Garlic, onion, green pepper, bell pepper and tomatoes sautè together then add fish sauce and seasoning.  Make sure that the tomatoe’s juice is already showing before simmeri

47/365: The First Time I Let Someone Interrupt My Valentine Night Out.

16th of February We were about to step out for a very late night out on Valentine night when one of the local channels feed a live screening of the 2014 SOCHI WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES.  This doesn’t happen normally in Philippine television that a regular programming will be suddenly cut out off the air to feed a live coverage of the Winter Olympic games.  The reason of course is our very own MICHAEL CHRISTIAN MARTINEZ is competing. Hubby and I automatically sat back on the couch and hooked ourselves on the TV screen.  It was like an unspoken agreement that our night out will be delayed.  My whole family is such a sports fan.  You’ll find us absorbed together in front of the television enjoying various sports program. When Michael performed my whole family was cheering as if we were watching the game live in Sochi.  When the scores was flashed after the end of the first set of competitors we were on standing ovation. Hail to this UNIQUELY talented Filipino. A figure skater from a

46/365: Wok With Balut: Post Valentine Lunch Menu

15th of February Yesterday was such a sweet day not only because of the romantic scenes visible everywhere but also of the sweet treats coming from sweet people as well.  It was such a battle not to give in to these temptation so I just taste them all starting at 3AM having my coffee with donuts given by a sweet family friend. As if the that donut is not yet enough I also brought home some sweets and we ate all of them too then followed by my three-part Valentine celebration that includes a night out that also involved gobbling.  Come Saturday morning our taste buds does not have the appetite for fancy food specifically with sweets and meat (“naumay ba”). Rummaging the fridge I successfully found some set of ingredients that I’m sure will be appealing to our taste bud for lunch. Pinakbet and Pritong Tilapia with Fresh and Crunchy spices for lunch! (I heard a “woot !” from hubby) Vegetable and fish are the best next-day menu when you just came from previous day’s fancy-eatin

45/365: HV-Day! Just Want to Greet You All!

♥14th of February♥ Happy Valentine’s Day to all!  Happy Heart’s Day or Happy Feast Day of St. Valentine or whatever :)  I just want to peek here and greet you all! (Though this is posted later than the tagged date because I was out ;) I’m roaming around the net and I’m seeing hearts everywhere! So here I am holding mine out  :) How did your Valentine’s Day go?  Wanna share it here? Mine was simple but definitely one lovely day (and night) and more importantly NOT stressful. Just a piece of thought for all – “Learn to take care of your heart first before you expect someone to take care of it”.

44/365: Jim Croce Songs (A Re-post and Prelude On My Thoughts About Lyrics and Music)

13th of  February It's the lover's month and there's no perfect time to talk about love songs and beautiful song lyrics than the time when everyone feels that "love is in the air" (corny boo!). LOL. Seriously though, do you know that the very first blog title that I created is "Light To Lyrics and Music"?  It's another story as to what happened to that idea so I'll just make a separate post about that. Meanwhile let me re-post this piece which I originally posted in January of last year to my other (deactivated) blog.  The idea of  re-posting this is part of the other drafts that I am writing and has something to do also why I came across the Boyce Avenue video . *** I am supposed to write a product review today but unfortunately I’m sick.  I don’t think I would be effective in writing positive things while feeling low and sick.  So here I am in bed scribbling incomprehensibly of topics I’m not sure what about when suddenly the music

42/365: I Still Miss You Buddy…

11th of February Can’t believe that it has been a year ago since that very sad day. I remember it was a Monday. I was at home absent from work because I was sick. And you were sick too. Every time I was sick you were sick too. Except that day you became too sick and went to cat heaven. I still miss you buddy. I miss your stubborn face and attitude. I miss how you get irritated every time I touch your cropped (funny) tail. I miss how you snob your cat food and beg for fish left over instead. I miss how you annoy me every time you mess my work place. I miss how much the family laugh every time you alertly turn your head like a dog when I call your name. I miss how you respond to me in cat talk every time I talk to you like a human. I miss how you stay at the foot of my swivel chair during the nights that I’m up  writing.  And when you feel cold you will climb and cuddle in my lap  and lay still there while I work.  How you seemed mindful that I don’t want to be distur

41/365: Wok with Balut: The Prelude

10th February Just to let everybody know – I can COOK too! And just a clarification also I don’t cook using my laptop as well as I don’t cook while running.  I cook in the kitchen like every normal human being.  I wear an apron using wok and ladle and not a magic wand. Though sometimes I cook while still wearing my office outfit complete with heels  while editing something on my lappy while waiting for the water to boil while listening to the news (from the television) while helping the kids to their assignment while answering hubby’s question on what’s for dinner! (Whew!) What I don’t usually cook? I don’t usually cook food or dishes that needs long preparation because I don’t have the time to handle them.  I don’t normally cook the likes of “kare-kare”, “paella”, rice cakes and the likes.  For me these kind of food are best ordered from specialty restaurants.  Although from time to time I also do try cooking them. What I usually cook? I love to cook food that are easy t

40/365: Sunday Humor and Photograph: Laughter is the Best Medicine

9th February I rushed my son to the nearest hospital because of an allergy attack. After treatment from the emergency room I need to secure the doctor’s signature who’s clinic is located at the 6th floor. The hospital happened to be under renovation and the elevator is not working so I need to take the stairs. Look what I found posted near the foot of the stairs ! ROFL! Whoever thought of this signage is a genius and I really restrained myself asking the hospital personnel who is the owner of this genius idea!   I feel like giving him some beating specially around the leg.  It would be a lot of fun watching him visit his Physical Therapist at the 5th floor with the same condition as the one on this signage! Ha ha ha!

39/365: Random Talk and Birthday Greetings

8th of February If there is something that I am thankful about my doing the “365 Blogging Challenge” is that it gave me the opportunity to write about the things that I have been wanting to write and share and most of them in complete stories through a series of posts.  I am so engrossed of doing these series that I already drafted the skeleton of what I am going to post for April (LOL). However it also seems like I am missing to share some random moments that is going around myself for the past few days so I thought of sharing them as well from time to time.  I’m not sure if you will be interested with my nonsense but heck I just want to do some random talks so bear with me.  If  you can’t bear please forget that you passed by this post. Remember my post about my blogger friend Jonathan that was delayed and also caused the delay of the last three post prior to this one? (Jeez! that’s a mind boggling question phrase!).  Anyway apart from the reason that I edited that post for s

38/365: Moonlight Models (Part 3 of 3): Balut Edition

7th of February A warm, slow breeze blows in over the dry reef, Sweeps up the shoreline, dousing me in freshness. No daylight this, but a world of moonlight, The heavens are spread with small points of light. Motionless; I watch the soldier crabs emerge. Black, noise-some mud clings to the soles of my feet. My whole world is silent; the village is dark. My hot soul is soothed and lulled by the sea-sound. Possessed of a sudden euphoria born of shore-ripples, of wind, of salt, of freedom, I take up off up the bare slope, dodging crab holes… This spur-of-the-moment photography is a part of an spontaneous road trip that leads us to a beautiful beach south of the city. Photo Credits : (my good friend) Ranie de Mesa Subject/Model : Myself (Unprepared, without make-up not even wearing anything fancy or what not)  Poem:   Excerpts from the poem “Nighwalking” from For the complete series: Moonlight Models (Part 1 of 3): The Ba

37/365: Moonlight Models (Part 2 of 3): The Little Red Hooded Girl Edition

6th of February “White in the moon the long road lies, The moon stands blank above; White in the moon the long road lies That leads me from my love. Still hang the hedge without a gust, Still, still the shadows stay: My feet upon the moonlit dust Pursue the ceaseless way. The world is round, so travelers tell, And straight through reach the track, Trudge on, trudge on, ‘twill all be well, The way will guide one back. But ere the circle homeward hies Far, far must it remove: White in the moon the long road lies That leads me from my love” Have you noticed something on the third photograph ? (wink*) This spur-of-the-moment photography is a part of an spontaneous road trip that leads us to a beautiful beach south of the city. Photo Credits : (my good friend) Ranie de Mesa Subjects/Models : Little Loiz in Red Hood Poem:  A. E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad For the complete series: Moonlight Models (Part 1 of 3):  The Band

36/365: Moonlight Models (Part 1 of 3): The Band of Brothers Edition

5th of February “How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!  Here will we sit and let the sounds of music creep in our ears: s oft stillness and the night become the touches t harmony, Sit, angels. Look how the floor of heaven is thick in laid with patines of bright gold: There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’st.  But in his motion like an angels sing, still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins; Such harmony is in immortal souls; But whilts this muddy vesture of decay doth grossly clos it in, we can not hear it.” This spur-of-the-moment photography is a part of an spontaneous road trip that leads us to a beautiful beach south of the city. Photo Credits : (my good friend) Ranie de Mesa Subjects/Models : Young boys ages between 11-13 studying in a catholic school for boys. Quote : Taken from William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” – Lorenzo, Act V, Scene 1 For the complete series: Moonlight Models (Part 1 of 3): The Band of Brothers Edition

10/365: A Book is Added to My Wish List–The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

This is a shameless request to anybody who owns a book and done reading “The Perks of  Being A Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky – please pass the book to me okay?  Consider it as one of my wish from this list .  Not that I can’t afford to buy the book (defensive me – LOL), but I appreciate books that is owned and read by somebody rather than new ones especially if it will be passed to me with  dedication. Besides since last year I promised that I won't buy anymore books for myself   as long as I haven’t finish yet my reading queue.  In fact I am also giving away my book collection and there’s just very few left.  They are left behind because I just want to re-read them first  (one of which is part of the reason why I am liking this story right now). For a movie and book lover like me I did not know what I’m missing till I chanced upon a part of this movie on HBO from somewhere.  I watched the movie in full back home and I fell in love with it.  It is now included in my “ Top Li