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Showing posts with the label cats

161/365: Cat Misery – Bitten!

10th of June How ironic it is that it was just yesterday when I was sharing a story about the mystery of a dead cat and my usual passion towards stray cats.  Today a very unfortunate incident involving a cat happened again. It was raining hard all night and it was still raining in the dawn when I woke up today so I decided to get up early and prepare for work.  Living in Manila for years I am certain that heavy traffic is expected on this kind of weather.  Most likely the roads are flooded.  As I was preparing for work I was also stressing myself on how can I go to work early.  Today is an important day and I can’t be late.  Leaving home the earliest is the only solution so I’ll have extra time if ever an untoward incident happens. So it was still dark when I hurriedly stepped out of our door all dressed up with my heeled shoes on.  Suddenly there was a wild sound from a cat who got hurt followed by a searing pain in my lower right leg. I stepped on a cat and it attacked me!

160/365: Cat Mystery

9th of June My family’s schedule did not match yesterday Sunday which resulted for me catching the last Sunday mass alone at 8:00PM.  There is just one church is celebrating the 8:00PM mass which is a walking distance from home so I walk myself to catch this last mass.  I was enjoying the traffic-less Sunday night while I’m taking the short cut way to the church along the residential areax when suddenly something broke my peaceful walk. A dead cat is lying in the middle of the residential street that I’m taking.  It was obviously ran over by a vehicle because I can clearly see the head injury where the blood was still coming out.  As you know, there are just few things that can make me stop and stare while I’m on the street and one of them is (stray) cat.  When it’s alive and needs help I usually pick them and placed on a safe place.  But this one is dead.   I was considering to pick-up the dead cat but I am aware that it is unhygienic if I won’t be able to wash my hand immed