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Showing posts with the label cabatuan cemetery

Road Trip to Cabatuan… Cemetery

By that I am referring to Cabatuan Cemetery in Cabatuan, Iloilo City, Region 6, Philippines, Asia. It was not actually a road trip going to the cemetery. Who wants a road trip leading to the cemetery anyway? I chanced upon this place during our road trip from Iloilo City going to Janiauy – a province in Iloilo City, Philippines.  What I was looking forward to see during this road trip are the famous old Iloilo churches.  But… this is what exactly caught my eyes Me: What is that? Relative 1: (Grinning) “On no you don’t want to go there, it’s not a church,” Me:   It looks mysterious, can we stop and check please? Relative 2: (Wide eyed) It’s a cemetery!” Me: Really? Wow it’s beautiful! Can we stop please? I’ll just take some quick shots All Relatives:   We’re not going with you, you know… we’ll just stay in the car! Me: Ok, but try to step on the breaks when the car drives by itself (grinning) … and they all get out of the car (he he he) a treasure find! amazing t