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Showing posts with the label books

July Must Have Heard My Plea. It’s Starting To Be Good To Me

Pardon me for my rants and ramblings at the beginning of this month.  I hope I did not annoy or bore you too much.  I want to THANK everybody who bear with me and sent their good luck wishes.  The good news is that your wishes are all working!  July must have heard your good wishes and my plea - I can feel that  it’s starting to be good to me. I received a wonderful blessing yesterday.  I apologize if I can’t share the details because I find it funny and I don’t want you all laughing at me (LOL to myself). But to give a clue - this will make me very busy again in the coming days. On the day that I was waiting for this news I’ve been sitting for hours waiting and I was starting to be impatient.  I rummaged to my bag to find a pen thinking of scribbling something that I can use for my blogs.  As my hand do the blind search from my (huge) bag, I found this small book. Oh yeah I almost forgot!  One day that I was hurrying out for some errands I picked this book on top of the three