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Showing posts with the label What to Do on Earthquakes

What to Do During an Earthquake

This is the video of the recent earthquake in Cebu City, Philippines which recorded a magnitude of 6.9 and also felt in Negros Oriental, Iloilo City and Dumaguete City and other parts of central Philippines.  This triggered the authorities to raise a tsunami alert. Acknowledgment and thanks to the uploader of this video from YouTube The Philippines lies in the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire," where earthquakes and volcanoes are common.  It means most of our citizens had an earthquake experience.  I myself had a grim experience of an earthquake. In as much as the authorities continue to remind people on what to do during an earthquake with emphasis on “Don’t Panic”, people continue to panic during tremors.  I thought that reading repeatedly the guidelines on what to do during an earthquake will lessen our tendency to panic. Here’s one set of guidelines that I got from website.  A video on earthquake drill can also be found at the bottom. What to D