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Showing posts with the label The Perks of Being A Wall Flower

Thank You Is The Order of The Day– To One Fine Lady From Norway

Since it seems like my blogging mojo is a bit back, let me prioritized what I have been wanting to write about for months now and this is to say an official and BIG THANK YOUs to a number of good people that I am blessed to encounter with in cyber space. Let me start by saying a HUGE APOLOGY and THANK YOU to one sweet blogger friend who thoughtfully responded to my published post back in January of last year -  “ A Book is Added to My Wish List ”. It caught me by surprise when one day around March last year (my birthday month) I received a registered mail notice from my local post office.  You see this kind of registered notice doesn’t say much about what’s on the parcel so you don’t have a choice but to actually check at the post office what this is about. If you have been following this blog you will know how much I hate dealing with government offices. Their “system” never fails to drain the very minimal bits of patience in my body.  But I didn’t have a choice then so I summo

12/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: We Can Still Choose Where We Go From There

“So I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.” ~Stephen Chbosky~ The Perks of Being A Wallflower The quotation came from the movie that my attention is currently on. The Perks of Being A Wall Flower .   I find the quotation so significant and something that should be pondered upon especially by young people. I find it funny that I got so hooked up with this movie after watching it to the point of looking for the copy of the book.  Maybe because I found myself in the person of Charlie back in the days when I was his age on the movie.  The love for books, for writing, the battle that he’s dealing within himself though mine was different.  And for my being a wallflower some part of my young life. The photograph is taken from my messy home desk.  I

10/365: A Book is Added to My Wish List–The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

This is a shameless request to anybody who owns a book and done reading “The Perks of  Being A Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky – please pass the book to me okay?  Consider it as one of my wish from this list .  Not that I can’t afford to buy the book (defensive me – LOL), but I appreciate books that is owned and read by somebody rather than new ones especially if it will be passed to me with  dedication. Besides since last year I promised that I won't buy anymore books for myself   as long as I haven’t finish yet my reading queue.  In fact I am also giving away my book collection and there’s just very few left.  They are left behind because I just want to re-read them first  (one of which is part of the reason why I am liking this story right now). For a movie and book lover like me I did not know what I’m missing till I chanced upon a part of this movie on HBO from somewhere.  I watched the movie in full back home and I fell in love with it.  It is now included in my “ Top Li