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Showing posts with the label The Church of Molo

21/365: When In Iloilo: The Molo Church

“Oh wow!  We have this in the Philippines?”  That was my first reaction when I see this magnificent Gothic structure of the Molo Church – one of the most familiar landmark and tourist attractions in Iloilo City. I was so in awe with the front façade of the church that it took me a while to enter the  church to find a seat so I can celebrate the mass.  I have a mixed feeling of regret and blessed at the same time for the decision to go there on a Sunday morning to attend the mass or I should have visited on another day so I could have explored the wholeness of the church and took more photos from the inner structure. Since the mass is not starting yet when we arrived, what I did is to stay longer by the (old) plaza fronting the church and feed my eyes with the beauty of this magnificent structure. TRANSLATION (I had a “nose bleeding” while doing this translation) The Church of Molo The structure was first built using tabique pampango - a popular construction techn