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Showing posts with the label Sunshine

Sunday Quote and Photograph: The Sunshine Follows The Rain

The world goes up and the world goes down, The sunshine follows the rain; and yesterday’s sneer and yesterday’s frown can never come over again. ~ Charles Kingsley ~ The photograph is taken from my mobile phone after having coffee at a 24 hour donut house one April dawn.  This view caught my reverie and I actually had a second check if it was really dawn at the time that I saw this view from the horizon.  Oh yes it is dawn not dusk!  It is really the sun that is about to break  from the horizon.  It was raining so hard the day before this dawn.  The kind of rain accompanied with frightening lightning and thunderstorm – the kind that makes both adults and kids to scamper to bed for cover.  The kind of rain that somehow makes you feel that there will be no tomorrow… no more sunshine… But look!  There is the sunshine!  Fighting against all odds to come out and spread its power!