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Showing posts with the label Sunday and Photograph

Sunday Song and Photographs: What A Wonderful World

I see fields of green... red berries too... and i see them bloom... for me and you... and i think to myself… what a wonderful world. Sigh… I made up those lyrics referring to the song “What A Wonderful World”.  The words I used were inspired by the fields of lettuce and strawberries at La Trinidad, Benguet in Baguio City where my family spent the Christmas holiday. I was in a sad and uneasy mood actually while I was writing this.  It was after being awaken by a strong earthquake at past 3AM on a Sunday.  I’m sure people from huge part of the Philippines specifically from Luzon felt the same uneasiness that I was into. It was one hell of a shake!  The kind of the most unwanted feeling that anyone would want to wake up with specially on a Sunday.  That kind of shake takes me back to the horrific memory of the July 16, 1990 earthquake , one of the most horrifying experience in my life. It also immediately took me back to the horror it brought to Baguio City, one among the hardest

229/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: A Realization That I Got From A Snail

17th of August Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery that you miss by going so fast But also miss the sense of where are you going and why. ~Eddie Cantor~ Everyday that I wake up and look at the calendar I always ended up frowning.  It never fails to cause me to chuckle and ask the question “Is it really that date today?”  Everyday seems like I’m days behind to so many things and trying to catch up with time seems not possible. Am I the only one who feels this way? That everyday that I checked on the calendar I get frustrated that I am unable to do the things that I should have done or accomplished because I’m still catching up with the ones I thought I’m behind? Or are we all in the same frustration? A trip, tidying a part of the house that has long been neglected, visiting someone in the hospital (who was discharged before you were able to visit), movie time, shopping time, or just simply buying a bike part or whatever for your son, daughter, siste

215/365: Sunday Song and Photographs: Sorry Is All That You Can’t Say

3rd of August   Why people find it hard to say “I’m sorry”?  Even for the most obvious reason? Sorry Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like sorry Forgive me Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like forgive me forgive me But you can say baby Baby can I hold you tonight Maybe if I told you the right words At the right time you’d be mine I love you Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like I love you I love you The song is an original by Tracy Chapman released in 1988 which the boy band Boyzone released a cover in 1997.  I definitely love the original than the cover, it is sang more soulfully.  The most striking part of the song for me is the opening line “Sorry” which I dedicate to people who can’t make apologies even for the most obvious reason. True that it takes a lot of courage to say I’

186/365: Sunday Random Thoughts and Photograph: Thorns and Edges

6th of July I found this piece of dried stem on my hand after a short run in the park not exactly knowing why I have it and where I picked it. I guess it caught in my running shoes when I was about to cool down in the grassy part of the park.  I might be holding it unconsciously for some minutes.  I did not notice the thorns actually until it pricked my thumb. That is the only time I noticed that I am holding something and it already hurt me. Is it not that sometimes we have the same situation in life?  People (and things) come into our lives and we keep them without knowing the purpose why we are keeping them.  Until the time that they hurt us that is the only time that we realized that is exactly their purpose – to give us pain, to hurt us. Most of us became bitter after such situation and blame ourselves to the point of keeping the bitterness and closing a huge part of our hearts.  We tend to nurture the anger gained from the painful experience to the point of driving us t

159/365: Sunday Song and Photograph: In My Dreams

8th of June There was a time some time ago When every sunrise meant a sunny day, oh a sunny day But now when the morning light shines in It only disturbs the dreamland where I lay, oh where I lay I used to thank the lord when I'd wake For life and love and the golden sky above me But now I pray the stars will go on shinin' You see in my dreams you love me Daybreak is a joyful time Just listen to the songbird harmonies, oh the harmonies But, I wish the dawn would never come I wish there was silence in the trees, oh the trees If only I could stay asleep At least I could pretend you're thinkin' of me 'Cause nighttime is the one time I am happy You see in my dreams We climb and climb and at the top we fly Let the world go on below us We are lost in time And I don't know really what it means All I know is that you love me In my dreams I keep hopin' one day I'll awaken And somehow she'll be lying by my side And as I wonder if the dawn is r

96/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: The Blogger In Me

6th of April There is a story in anything in this world you just need to know how to tell them. By: Balut Manila The photograph is taken at Paco Park.  I was taking a photo of the church’s marker so I can use it when I write my post about this beautiful place. If you happen to wonder why I have these photos while taking photographs or while doing anything that has something to do with my writing the culprit is my hubby.  He loves to take photos of me during unguarded moments.  These are the truly stolen shots that surprised me every time I check on my collection of photos.  My hubby says that I write about anything so I should have memories of how I do them.

89/365: Sunday Poem and Photograph: Fallen Flowers and One Shakespeare Favorite

30th of March Now, my fair'st friend, I would I had some flowers o' the spring that might Become your time of day; and yours, and yours, That wear upon your virgin branches yet Your maidenheads growing: O Proserpina, For the flowers now, that frighted thou let'st fall From Dis's waggon! daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty; violets dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes Or Cytherea's breath; pale primroses That die unmarried, ere they can behold Bight Phoebus in his strength--a malady Most incident to maids; bold oxlips and The crown imperial; lilies of all kinds, The flower-de-luce being one! O, these I lack, To make you garlands of, and my sweet friend, To strew him o'er and o'er! ~William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale (4.4.133-50)\~ The photograph was taken from Paco Park in Manila.  A place that I consider where everything is poetic. A place that I visited during my birthday

61/365: Sunday Poem and Photograph: Moth

2nd of March fire is beautiful and we know that if we get too close it will kill us but what does that matter it is better to be happy for a moment and be burned up with beauty than to live a long time and be bored all the while so we wad all our life up into one little roll and then we shoot the roll that is what life is for it is better to be part of beauty our attitude toward life is come easy go easy we are like human beings used to be before they became too civilized to enjoy themselves Excerpts from: The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success ~Kevin Dutton~ Do you agree with the content of that excerpts? I don't. I simply don't because life is too beautiful to turn it to something horrific. The photograph is taken from our own home.  We were preparing for dinner when suddenly these swarm of moths circled around all the lighting in our home except for the bedroom lighting upstairs. I rememb

40/365: Sunday Humor and Photograph: Laughter is the Best Medicine

9th February I rushed my son to the nearest hospital because of an allergy attack. After treatment from the emergency room I need to secure the doctor’s signature who’s clinic is located at the 6th floor. The hospital happened to be under renovation and the elevator is not working so I need to take the stairs. Look what I found posted near the foot of the stairs ! ROFL! Whoever thought of this signage is a genius and I really restrained myself asking the hospital personnel who is the owner of this genius idea!   I feel like giving him some beating specially around the leg.  It would be a lot of fun watching him visit his Physical Therapist at the 5th floor with the same condition as the one on this signage! Ha ha ha!

12/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: We Can Still Choose Where We Go From There

“So I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.” ~Stephen Chbosky~ The Perks of Being A Wallflower The quotation came from the movie that my attention is currently on. The Perks of Being A Wall Flower .   I find the quotation so significant and something that should be pondered upon especially by young people. I find it funny that I got so hooked up with this movie after watching it to the point of looking for the copy of the book.  Maybe because I found myself in the person of Charlie back in the days when I was his age on the movie.  The love for books, for writing, the battle that he’s dealing within himself though mine was different.  And for my being a wallflower some part of my young life. The photograph is taken from my messy home desk.  I

Sunday Quote and Photograph: When Disposable Plastic Cups Took My Breath Away

As I step in Café Cesario at the Cebu-Mactan International Airport to have a quick breakfast before our flight back after a weekend trip, something caught my attention. This! In spite of my hunger, sleepy/heavy head caused by trying to catch an early morning flight, I can’t help but pause from my quick breakfast, stood up from my table and examine this piece that is hanging above the central ceiling of the café. Obviously it's a Christmas decoration but what caught my attention is how and what material it is made of.  It is made from disposable plastic cups and its craftsmanship really took my breath away.  My camera did not even give justice to this awesome piece but just the same I want to share it with you and so do with this quotation that I chanced upon… “And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans—and all that lives and move

Sunday Quote and Photograph: The Sunshine Follows The Rain

The world goes up and the world goes down, The sunshine follows the rain; and yesterday’s sneer and yesterday’s frown can never come over again. ~ Charles Kingsley ~ The photograph is taken from my mobile phone after having coffee at a 24 hour donut house one April dawn.  This view caught my reverie and I actually had a second check if it was really dawn at the time that I saw this view from the horizon.  Oh yes it is dawn not dusk!  It is really the sun that is about to break  from the horizon.  It was raining so hard the day before this dawn.  The kind of rain accompanied with frightening lightning and thunderstorm – the kind that makes both adults and kids to scamper to bed for cover.  The kind of rain that somehow makes you feel that there will be no tomorrow… no more sunshine… But look!  There is the sunshine!  Fighting against all odds to come out and spread its power!

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: Seagulls and One Fine Lady

The distance made it impossible to give a birthday hug and cheers… The online ordering process maybe an epic fail… The postal service may be late and whatever … But my thoughts will not fail in remembering a good friend on her special day… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one wonderful lady I am blessed to know about in the blogosphere… GRACIE! The photograph is taken during one of my wanderings.  I don’t know why seagulls and the calmness of the bay reminds me of Gracie.  Probably it’s because of what I am seeing on her Twitter profile – “FOLLOW” her and you’ll know.  Or the amazing photos that you can check out on her Facebook Page – “LIKE” her and you’ll enjoy.  Or the amusing stories she shares on her Blog Site – drop by and don’t forget to leave a “COMMENT”.   And here's a secret - a picture greeting will cause an extra smile in Gracie's face and a tear of joy in her eyes. Love you dear Gracie! Now you owe me a piece of your cake (wink*)!

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: You Never Fail To Surprise Me

You don’t look like a nerd. You do a lot of stuff. You’re into a lot of activities… I seldom see you hold your books and seriously study for exams… And yet you're able to squeeze your name in the over all list of Outstanding Students - one among the few first years who managed to do that… I was thinking it's kinda "Mission Impossible" for you because you’re taking a course that is far from your comfort zone. You love English and Language… now you’re dealing with a field that requires a lot of Mathematics… So I was ready that mom's privilege and pride would stop when you graduated from high school... But you still managed to have me climb the recognition stage with you... feel that mom's privilege and pride once again! It’s becoming an annual habit you know… I am surprised with the recognition… but what surprise me more is this… Me/Mom : Hey take a look at this they look amazing. Who did this?                   This is my favorite (photo abov

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: I Lit A Candle for You Today

I lit a candle for you today, And as I do I whisper my love for you and pray. This photograph is taken from a local restaurant during a simple quite dinner with the family during Valentine’s Day three days after a beloved family member traveled up to cat heaven. The candle in this photograph is actually a table decoration for the Valentines’ Day occasion.  I do light a candle at home… everyday.

Sunday Prose and Photographs: Bridges

There are bridges that are meant to be crossed, to find the joyful world waiting at the other end. There are bridges that people are afraid to cross unsure of the unfamiliar world waiting at the other end. There are bridges that are forbidden but people still crossed in spite of the forbidden sign. There are bridges that are meant to be crossed twice to figure out what had gone wrong during the first try. There are bridges that are worth looking back to smile at the memories left at the other end  There are bridges that are meant to be burned so there will be just one path to take and that is to go forward. What bridge are you crossing right now? @2013 By: Balut Manila Leaving Mandaue City - approaching the arch  "look back shot" after crossing the arch The photographs of  "Marcelo Fernan Bridge" were taken while aboard a speeding taxi heading to the airport.  The first photo is taken while approaching the bridge&#

Sunday Memory and Photograph: A Mother for Christmas

It was the 9th of December, A Thursday night, 15 Days before Christmas, The Christmas lights were off Lanterns and decors remain unhanged Angels came and took the woman from the young girl’s arm, And the young girl had never wish for anything, But a MOTHER for Christmas.

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: Broken Rainbow?

Lately I’m frequently spotting rainbows and this one’s the most recent. I spotted this four days ago while watching UFL (soccer) games at the University of Makati (Philippines). This is the shortest rainbow I ever saw. and I waited for this to materialize into a semicircle form, the way we usually see rainbows. It did not. Mesmerized by the heavenly scene of the short rainbow vanishing right before my eyes instead of forming into a semicircle one, my thoughts wander… Does it mean that there’s a broken path before the end of my rainbow where the pot of gold is? Or does it mean that my path will be shorter and I will find the pot of gold easier and sooner? Either way, thank you God for this rainbow. I’ll go hunt for the pot of gold… Scientific Truth: You need a rainy day and a sunny day at the same time to make a rainbow appear. The sun must be shining behind you and there must be water droplets in the air in front of you. Rainbows are actually in full circle form not sem

Sunday Poem and Photograph: She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways

SHE dwelt among the untrodden ways, Beside the springs of Dove, A maid of whom there were none to praise, And very few to love: A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden by the eye! --Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky. She lived unknown, and few could know When Lucy ceased to be; But she is in her grave, and, oh, The difference to me By: William Wordsworth how often do you pass by the "untrodden ways"? Back in college, my professor in literature gave us an assignment to choose a poem from the English Literature collection.  She said to relate the poem to an important person in our lives.  We need to read the poem in our class but before reading, we need to inform the class to whom the poem is for or we are relating to.  I read the above poem and I am referring to my mother who died when I was fourteen.  When I’m done reading I found that most of my classmates were in tears including my professor.  I did not realize that I read