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Showing posts with the label Sunday Inspiration

Sunday Inspiration and Photograph: Isaiah 40 v 31

“Those who trust in the LORD will find new strength” Isaiah 40 v 31 is the verse printed in the souvenir posters of the vessel "Logos Hope" famously known as the floating book fair, while the photograph was taken inside the vessel, in a corner they called “Life X-perience”.  It is a long board posted with hundreds of “sticky notes” (post-it) with messages mostly words of encouragements from the visitors, participants,  and from those who shared their experiences and perspective from this interactive program. Logos Hope slogan is   “ Bringing knowledge, help and hope to the people of the world” I would like to share their “Vision and Purpose”: Bringing Knowledge Over 40 million people in 160 different countries have walked up one of our ship's gangway to visit one of our floating book fairs. For many, it is their first ever opportunity to purchase good quality literature at a fraction of it's retail value. Many people without the means to study have learn