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Showing posts with the label Star City

Some Halloween Random Scenes and Star City Revisited

Happy Halloween! With so much “going ons” about Halloween and with so little time to write (LOL), I thought of sharing some Halloween scenes I found from my personal “photobasin” One Halloween, my  little darling was enjoying treat or trick in a mall and the event has a Fashion Show cum “Best in Costume” contest finale that we were able to watch.  And oh boy! the contestants took it really seriously.  I have a lot of photos from this event but here are some of my best bet. Silver Boys?  I dared talk to this creature to find if he’s really human, when he moved his head to answer me, the kids run away lol. my little girl won’t even go near this character and to the other scary contestants black mermaid? no one wants to go near him to give some alms Halloween this year… Due to lots of schedule hassles, we did not go home to my provincial home to spend All Saints Day like we used to do.  We just stayed in the city.   But so as not to waste the lon