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Showing posts with the label Sta. Barbara Church

30/365: When In Iloilo: Road Trip To Janiuay Iloilo and Three Churches (Part 2 of 2)

With a full tummy from that sumptuous lunch we are now ready to invade the churches that we marked on the way to Janiuay while we were driving back home.  As expected on a Monday the churches that we visited were closed so most photos that you will be seeing here were taken from the outside structures of the churches. CABATUAN CHURCH St. Nicolas of Tolentino or Cabatuan Church is about 23 kilometers from Iloilo City.  It is said to be built in 1834, Neoclassical in style but the front façade is Tuscan particularly its pilasters.  It is also ornated with Augustinian symbols.  It is the only church in Iloilo that has 6 belfries four of which were destroyed by an earthquake in 1948.  The belfries are Byzantine in style.  The central structure of the church is in the shape of the cross which is about 50 meters long and about 20 meters wide. Photo shoot concept by my brother in law at Cabatuan Church Before World War II. there was a rectory of convent at the right side of