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Showing posts with the label Songs

44/365: Jim Croce Songs (A Re-post and Prelude On My Thoughts About Lyrics and Music)

13th of  February It's the lover's month and there's no perfect time to talk about love songs and beautiful song lyrics than the time when everyone feels that "love is in the air" (corny boo!). LOL. Seriously though, do you know that the very first blog title that I created is "Light To Lyrics and Music"?  It's another story as to what happened to that idea so I'll just make a separate post about that. Meanwhile let me re-post this piece which I originally posted in January of last year to my other (deactivated) blog.  The idea of  re-posting this is part of the other drafts that I am writing and has something to do also why I came across the Boyce Avenue video . *** I am supposed to write a product review today but unfortunately I’m sick.  I don’t think I would be effective in writing positive things while feeling low and sick.  So here I am in bed scribbling incomprehensibly of topics I’m not sure what about when suddenly the music