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Showing posts with the label Sister Golden hair

88/365: The Song That Changed My Gloomy Mood and Became My LSS

29th of March 2014 I was working overtime on a weekend that my mood was so gloomy plus that I’m not feeling that good due to the current back pain that I ‘m experiencing.  In short what I was feeling really sucks!  Whoops! sorry for the language but I can’t think of any other term but “suck”. Whoops again! If I could just make myself a super-machine or grab a magic wand to instantly finish what I’m working on so I can go home.  Or if what I’m working on is not needed I would rather crumple in bed and rot. I mean rest. Though sometimes I call myself a “Super Woman” there are really this kind of time that I tell myself that I am  just human. The surroundings does not help as well as there are few people around doing same (stupid) heroic act that I’m doing. We are wearing the same faces that says “I wanna go home!”  Then someone from another department came in, set up his desk and went straight to the centralized music player.  Suddenly I heard something that I haven’t heard for