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Showing posts with the label Simbang Gabi

Sunday Quote and Photograph: The Way, The Truth and The Life–Dawn Mass (Simbang Gabi 2012)

God sent a star to light the night for the The Way, the Truth  and the Life – His Son. He sent the Light of Life to prove His heart so we would invite His son into our own. God has given us all the light we’ll ever need to find peace on earth, goodwill to men. Pamela F. Dowd Photo taken using my mobile phone while I’m approaching “The Shrine of Jesus, The Way, The Truth and The Life” parish located at the Mall of Asia Complex , during my second day observance of Simbang Gabi (Dawn Mass) for this year. I used to do church hopping each novena day from my previous years of Simbang Gabi observance but I can’t do it this year due to work and  other concerns.  Sadly, I also missed the first day of this year’s dawn mass but it did not stop me from celebrating the remaining eight days. In an hour, I’m off to go to celebrate the 8th Day and then Run for Rescue !  Life is tough but really wonderful especially during Christmas.

Simbang Gabi (Dawn Mass) å la Vicita Iglesia

San Isidro Parish Church at around past 4AM, my first parish for this year’s Misa De Gallo. I’m not sure how it started in Christmastime of last year that I started attending the dawn masses in different parish churches. I know it’s very un-ordinary because we usually attend dawn masses to the church that is most nearest to us considering the time that we need to wake up and prepare. I guess I was checking the schedules from each church within my home vicinity and I ended up attending mass to each of the churches. A good friend of mine is asking if I will do the same this year hopping from one church to another to complete the nine novena masses.  She told me that she wishes to do the same but the distance of churches from the place where she lives is inconvenient.  Well that’s another advantage for my being an “urbanista”.  I feel lucky that I dwell in a place that is conveniently accessible to many important public facilities like malls, supermarkets, wet markets, airport and even