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Showing posts with the label Screcrow

Sunday Poem and Photograph: Where Have All The Scarecrows Gone

I've traveled some hundred miles tagged along with friendship bond, from congested city roads to haven of green lands. I passed through mountain ranges, hills and streams, and stretch of wild forests envisioned in greenery dreams. I let my sight bathe in nature's breathtaking beauty,  while searching for one familiar figure in a "hoodie".  Through hectares and acres of green lands and rice fields,  I'm searching for that figure that my kid's mind dreaded then later giggled. My eyes searched and searched but failed to find one, where have all the SCARECROWS gone? ©2012 By: Balut Manila photo taken from a speeding SUV along Maharlika Highway in Nueva Vizcaya on a back-to-the-city road trip from Isabela