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Showing posts with the label Sagrada Familia

95/365: Churches: Magnificently Featured By A Fine Lady from Norway

5th of April They say that “buena-mano” is always the luck bringer and I believed so specially when I saw this email on my inbox.  I can’t contain my happiness while reading this email sent by one fine lady from Norway. I can’t remember when Joy and I started following each other in the blogosphere.  But what I am  certain about is that there are three things that I admire most from this lady when I’m visiting her blogs.  Her inspirational features, her photography, and her crafts which she shares through her two wonderful blog sites Joy's Notepad and Will You Hear From Me . . And mind you she does all of this in between having a regular job, a wife to loving husband and a mother to grown kids. Seems like we came from the same league of Super Women eh? (grin). C’mon and get drowned with me as we feast in the beauty of Joy’s feature about churches!  Gasp!  ~~**~~ Balut, a sweet woman behind the blog Balut Manila invited co -bloggers to make a post about churches in