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Showing posts with the label Random

239/365: Feeling A Little Unwell

27th of August I’m writing this around 7AM in the morning.  The kids are already out for school. I’m supposed to be out for work also by this time but I decided last night when I woke up around grave yard time that I am not reporting for work today. I was feeling a little unwell for two days now so I thought of surprising my own body and give it a rest day (LOL). There were number of people from work who were absent yesterday because they were sick.  The virus probably got me and my body decided to go along with it.  Or… probably not! Why?  Here’s why. So I slept early last night after taking paracetamol.  In fact too early that I am unable to eat my dinner.  Then what happened is that I woke up before the break of the dawn and I can’t make myself to go back to sleep to rest more as I planned to do the whole day.  I went down and thought of checking my emails using my lappy instead of my mobile phone while thinking that it would also be a good time to check on my blogs.  Bu

186/365: Sunday Random Thoughts and Photograph: Thorns and Edges

6th of July I found this piece of dried stem on my hand after a short run in the park not exactly knowing why I have it and where I picked it. I guess it caught in my running shoes when I was about to cool down in the grassy part of the park.  I might be holding it unconsciously for some minutes.  I did not notice the thorns actually until it pricked my thumb. That is the only time I noticed that I am holding something and it already hurt me. Is it not that sometimes we have the same situation in life?  People (and things) come into our lives and we keep them without knowing the purpose why we are keeping them.  Until the time that they hurt us that is the only time that we realized that is exactly their purpose – to give us pain, to hurt us. Most of us became bitter after such situation and blame ourselves to the point of keeping the bitterness and closing a huge part of our hearts.  We tend to nurture the anger gained from the painful experience to the point of driving us t

167/365: Warning: This Is A Rant Post On A Monday The 16th!

16th of June Rant 1 Prelude Just when I set my mind that this first day of the week will not just be fine but great.  So I tried inhaling all the positive vibes to start my day right and promised to stretch it through the whole week, then suddenly baaam! it’s ruined! “I'm no political I'm no showbiz. I say facts straightforward because I believe I don't need to please people in stating the facts” This is me – always do and always will be.  Sadly most people (especially at work)  will not appreciate your straightforwardness, honesty and frankness.  They choose to hear sugar coated things rather than the truth.  Their stupid egos can’t handle the truth! Rant 2 Do you know a person who has gotten a minor title (maybe) for the first time in her life suddenly went floating from her own-created hurricane wind and wants everybody to bow down to her “power”? The phrase “I’m the Queen of the world!” is written all over her face? Well it would be lovely to tell her … “

67/365: Random: The Agony of Waiting

8th of February   A wife waiting for a husband driving home late from work, A husband coming home to an empty house where usually the wife is waiting, A mother waiting for her children to be dropped off by the school service. A family member waiting outside an operating room waiting for the doctor to come out, A master waiting for his lost pet to come back home… When someone or something did not arrive or happened in an expected and scheduled time, worry immediately sets in. It is automatic instinct for human to sense that something wrong or bad is happening. Every second, every minute, every hour matters for a person waiting.  The longer it takes, the more agonizing it is for the person waiting. *** I woke up today with the headline news that a Malaysian Airline (MH370) with 239 people on board  had gone missing.  It has been missing for two hours when I first heard the news.  And it has been 14 hours now while I’m writing this.  The plane is still missing and there’s n

52/365: I’m Writing This In Real Time But…

21st of February I just got back today after a two-day "work-related whatever" and I am  now facing my lappy overwhelmed with the tasks that I need to do in the coming days ahead. The first thing that I did is to check my emails specifically the ones originating from my blogs’ contact pages, (important) messages from my social media accounts and all the important messages that were sent to me through this crazy e-world. I’m trying to finish reading the ones from the social media as quickly as I can that I don’t even have the time to “Like” or “Favorite” the statuses that made me feel good .  Does that mean that I’m “anti-social media” now? LOL! Well the reason for my rushing is because I need to finalize the drafts that needs to be published on specific dates for this blog.  However, the list of the drafts on my writing tool made me frown.  I tried to pick one to finish but nothing seem to fit my mood.  This is bad! Why does the topics that you were so inspired wr

50/365: Do I Wanna Build A Snowman?

19th of February Sorry to disappoint you but this has nothing to do with the latest movie craze “Frozen” and to everyone’s LSS for a couple of weeks now. This has something to do with me gaining  a lot of weight since the Manila weather went back to its “tropical mightiness” after a short period of allowing us to display our jackets. Ang init! (It’s so hot!). Apart from eating a lot (due to stress maybe or whatever alibi I have for eating a lot.) I found the other major culprit that is continuously causing my instant chubbiness.  I realized that while I’m enjoying slurping one of them from a Belgian Cone that I bought from a nearby grocery. My son’s version of Banana Split! (LOL) Hubby jokingly blurted “Did you know that there’s no ice-based food with a salty taste?  They are all made from sweet foods.  Well apart from those specialty ice cream that we don’t eat regularly”.  Then it was followed by “And did you notice how often do you eat these sweet ice craze foods late

39/365: Random Talk and Birthday Greetings

8th of February If there is something that I am thankful about my doing the “365 Blogging Challenge” is that it gave me the opportunity to write about the things that I have been wanting to write and share and most of them in complete stories through a series of posts.  I am so engrossed of doing these series that I already drafted the skeleton of what I am going to post for April (LOL). However it also seems like I am missing to share some random moments that is going around myself for the past few days so I thought of sharing them as well from time to time.  I’m not sure if you will be interested with my nonsense but heck I just want to do some random talks so bear with me.  If  you can’t bear please forget that you passed by this post. Remember my post about my blogger friend Jonathan that was delayed and also caused the delay of the last three post prior to this one? (Jeez! that’s a mind boggling question phrase!).  Anyway apart from the reason that I edited that post for s

10/365: A Book is Added to My Wish List–The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

This is a shameless request to anybody who owns a book and done reading “The Perks of  Being A Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky – please pass the book to me okay?  Consider it as one of my wish from this list .  Not that I can’t afford to buy the book (defensive me – LOL), but I appreciate books that is owned and read by somebody rather than new ones especially if it will be passed to me with  dedication. Besides since last year I promised that I won't buy anymore books for myself   as long as I haven’t finish yet my reading queue.  In fact I am also giving away my book collection and there’s just very few left.  They are left behind because I just want to re-read them first  (one of which is part of the reason why I am liking this story right now). For a movie and book lover like me I did not know what I’m missing till I chanced upon a part of this movie on HBO from somewhere.  I watched the movie in full back home and I fell in love with it.  It is now included in my “ Top Li

3/365: On The 3rd Day of 2014 I Called In Sick

I woke up today with my head spinning and my throat aching and sore.  I have been feeling the symptoms the other day but as usual I ignore them and go to (over)work plus do all the (overly) other things that I plan for that day. Well that is so me.  I always thought I am super woman, invincible and such.  Then of course my overworked rusting body will make me realized later that I’m just human capable of being sick.  Until my muscles are really aching and shaking, my throat can’t produce an audible voice and the digital thermometer ticked on a number that is over 39  that is the only time that I will admit to myself that “Oh yeah I’m sick”.  I then pick-up the phone and called in sick. As I searched for over the counter medications in our cabinet,  I was morosely scolding myself (in silence) “Why do you need to be sicked at the first week of the year?”.   Before either I, me or myself morosely reply to this question, my “OC” mind is having a mental analysis on what my strength-limi

And So That Was Christmas… Happy New Year!

And so that was Christmas, And what have you done? Another year over And a  new one just begun And so that was Christmas I hope you had fun The near and the dear one The old and the young. A very merry Christmas And a happy new year I hope it was a good one without any fear… Thanks to this John Lennon song for giving me the perfect set of words on how I wanted to wish or ask everyone during this holiday.  "How was your Christmas?" It also perfectly put into words what I am thinking as of this moment  that the year is about to end and the holiday cheers will soon fade away. I hope everyone out there had a good holiday!  Happy New Year everybody! Cheers! New Year’s Eve in Manila Philippines!  And oh just a thought… 349 days more and it will be Christmas once again.  Another reason to say CHEERS!

Meeting Good Old Friends During The Holidays Made Yesterday A One Great Day!

I hope that this will not be my final post for 2013 because I have lot of pending stories (random and rants) that I have yet to share.  Though I know it’s kind of  impossible for me to post all of them because there’s just three more days to go and 2013 will be gone. Anyway, I just can’t help but share my so happy moments on my yesterday’s meet up with good old friends. Kids party at a venue that I love with a good old friend and gym buddy. First part of the day is meeting with my former gym buddy Baby whom I started to build friendship way back some ten years or more.  Her granddaughter is celebrating 7th birthday at Gerry’s Grill in Blue Wave Mall.   You see, I can afford to miss personal invitations and parties for myself but when it comes to kids party invitation for my daughter, I am really trying to find time for such invites.  I don’t want her missing the privileged of being invited and her chance for enjoyment and socialization for her young life. More so this time it i

Dilemma of a Blogger. On Which Bay Are you In Right Now? What Memory Will You Choose to Keep?

This random post is brought to you by my disorganized thoughts. It’s been days now that I can’t decide on which among my drafts should i post. Top on the list is of course my rant post about my internet/phone provider and another rant about the PDAF issue. But these posts/topics and the reason why I cannot post them are all intertwined together. I sort of blaming these intertwined reasons why I am having a disorganized thoughts. First on why I’m not posting my rant about my net/phone provider.  As of the current plight that my dear country is experiencing, the typhoon and flooding coinciding with the “heat” on the PDAF issue my concern is just a minuscule one so I shut up (until further annoyance).  As of this writing my net service is working but my phone is out of order for (effin-sorry) eight days now.  That is excluding the four days that I first complained about.  Breath… keep calm… You see I created this blog to induce positiveness in people’s lives which is really a one-he

Metaphorically Speaking, Trippin on a Tripster and July Birthdays on a Throwback Thursday

I kind of having a busy tough week tending to personal documentations which means that for days now I have been spending lots of time dealing with government offices.  Pardon me but I am very vocal about me feeling uneasy when transacting with government employees.  I don’t think I need to explain further on why. And today when I decided to take a break from documentation my day started to be frustrating again when my internet and phone started acting up again!  Ok ok breath in and breath out… let me focus and think of the happy things that I can share with you.  Let’s start with - Metaphorically Speaking with Jonathan Metaphorically Speaking is one of the blogs that I am following which I consider as a very well-written one.  This blog is written in the English language and obviously the blogger knows the language very well.  The grammar is immaculately-flawless and the blog’s content speaks for its title and vice-versa.  I don’t know much about the blogger (then) but I know

July Must Have Heard My Plea. It’s Starting To Be Good To Me

Pardon me for my rants and ramblings at the beginning of this month.  I hope I did not annoy or bore you too much.  I want to THANK everybody who bear with me and sent their good luck wishes.  The good news is that your wishes are all working!  July must have heard your good wishes and my plea - I can feel that  it’s starting to be good to me. I received a wonderful blessing yesterday.  I apologize if I can’t share the details because I find it funny and I don’t want you all laughing at me (LOL to myself). But to give a clue - this will make me very busy again in the coming days. On the day that I was waiting for this news I’ve been sitting for hours waiting and I was starting to be impatient.  I rummaged to my bag to find a pen thinking of scribbling something that I can use for my blogs.  As my hand do the blind search from my (huge) bag, I found this small book. Oh yeah I almost forgot!  One day that I was hurrying out for some errands I picked this book on top of the three

July Please Be Good To Me

So I got stuck in the elevator today – July 5th, Friday!   That is while I’m running late for an appointment.  And may I also rant that my left toe is throbbing in pain while I’m writing this. Well the left toe has nothing to do with what happened on the 1st of July.  But it definitely has something to do with what happened on the 2nd day of July. Ok ok let me wrap it up! July 1st, Monday I woke up trying to inhale all the positive vibes because “It’s July” – it kept echoing in my head. Coffee and running is my way of starting the day right.  Before finishing my morning cup I had a quick trip to the bathroom then hurried back to the breakfast table.  Suddenly there was… Screetch!  – my left foot stepping on an imaginary break to stop my whole body going down. Dhag !–my right knee hit the floor (Louder) Dhag ! – my left palm hit the sink structure. Wham!  – the kitchen spring door slammed at my back! Aaw! Aaaaaaw! No! I’m not wearing high heels! I’m barefoot at home

So What’s Up With Me?

I have run out of reasons (or alibi) not to update my blogs. The net has been ok. My lappy has been fixed for quite a while now and in fact there’s a new lappy in the house I’m not too busy for two weeks now - I quit my regular job. Finally after four attempts ha ha So what’s the reason? I don’t know!  Call it PROCRASTINATION or whatever I just simply call it “my bad!” I just can’t make myself to finish a post.  I have several drafts  for all my blogs but I really don’t know why I’m not posting them. What’s the consequence? I might lost my advertisers :(   Thank God the views are still ok and the ranking is still the same. I missed a lot of blogging opportunities and might lose more if I’ll continue this attitude. I owe a lot of  blog hopping to my dear blogger friends which means I missed a lot of good reads too. I failed to post significant posts for the last two months.  I don’t think I posted enough summer topics and the summer is almost over.  I don’t even post ab

Randomness in New Year–An Optimistic 2013 to all!

Happy New Year! Let me open this post by sharing with you some sweet new year greetings from two awesome blogger friends.  A sweet greet from Arline of the Pink Line which she sent me trough twitter. This is the second sweet greet she sent me. The other one is during my blog anniversary which of course will be acknowledged on a separate post. And from JONDMUR for this awesome greet! Thank you also to all my blogger friends for the year round support to this humble blog.  You know who you are.  Space won’t be enough if I will mention one by one what you have done to this humble blog.  As I’ve always said, you made my holidays here in the blogosphere more colorful and fun. And of course THANK YOU to all my followers, readers and regular visitors. So what’s up everybody with y’all now that 2013 came in? As for me, I will not bore you with look back/recap post for the year that was in 2012 – I already did that during my anniversary last November.  Nor will I give you a more

Random: Traffic!

♫ Oh the traffic outside is frightful, But the scenes are so delightful And since we’ve no place to go, Let It Flow ! Let It Flow ! Let It Flow ! ♫ I’m sorry to warp a bit this joyful Christmas carol, but this is exactly what I’m feeling right now after being on the road everyday of this week fixing things and documents and haist! I’m unfortunate to be hopping to three major cities in Metro Manila for this whole week.  Three different cities but one thing in common – horrendous traffic!  Not that traffic is new to me being a city dweller.  But these days is really horrendous! Obviously it’s about the holiday rush.  City dwellers are quite expecting that this scenario begins this week when everybody is back from the All Saints Day (Halloween) holiday break, and when street children start knocking on car doors and hopping on jeeps singing Jingle Bells, when every corner turned magical, when trees turned into tree of lights and electric fireflies are everywhere,