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Showing posts with the label Post holiday

13/365: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Less Christmas! (And Yet My 15-Year Old Tree is Still Up)

This is now my 13th entry since I started my daily post challenge and I’m really glad hat I’m still not behind on posting.  But there’s one thing that I’m behind doing – my home holiday decors are still up! Yaiks! You know that the Christmas holiday is over when commercial establishments take off their holiday decorations and start to change them with Valentine’s Day decorations. I’m just glad that I don’t need to put on Valentine decorations at home (eew) but I’m frustrated that my holiday decors are still up.  I need an ample time taking off the holiday decors than putting them on.  The “culprit” is my15-year-old- 7-foot Christmas Tree (8 feet with the top trimmings). It is so taxing to take each trimmings, clean them one by one and return them to their original boxes.  It is as taxing as my wanting to write about this 15-year old tree each Christmas that I put it up and yet until now I don’t have a story to share.  Next Christmas I hope I could write something about it but for