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5/365: Sunday Poem and Photograph: Santa Missed You This Christmas Buddy And I Never Replaced The Vase

How do I break thee? Let me count the ways. I break thee if thou art at any height My paw can reach, when smarting from some slight, I sulk, or have one of my crazy days. I break thee with an accidental graze Or twitch of tail, if I should take a fright. I break thee out of pure and simple spite The way I broke the jar of mayonnaise. I break thee if I’m in a playful mood, And then I wrestle with the shiny bits. I break thee if I do not like my food. And if someone they shards together fits, I’ll break thee once again when thou art glued. ~Henry N. Beard, Poetry for Cats~ The photograph was taken during the first Christmas spent with our adopted stray cat "Timothy Mingz" .  The Christmas stocking is an extra stocking of my daughter with her name on it.  We temporarily labeled the stocking with “Mingz” name and hang it in the cabinet where my favorite vase used to be an adornment until Mingz broke it. The following Christmas I permanently named