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Showing posts with the label Pluviophile

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: The Mojos Are Back

It’s Sunday and raining heavily everywhere, my whole hypothalamus system is celebrating yey! Sunday is usually my laziest day of the week.  When the family is not out during Sundays, this is when you will literally find my body littering and loitering in every corner of the house except in the corners where the wifi signal is weak ha ha.  This is the time when I’m ignoring the dusts, the sink, the laundry etc etc.  This is the time when my being OC is in immunity mode. Though sometimes my being a mother interfers with my lazy Sunday when hubby and kids specifically request for a dish or menu that they missed from my cooking.  If not, then we are all dependent to food delivery or eat out on Sundays. You can also call this as my procrastination day or whatever term that is synonymous to being LAZY!  yes LAZY! Sunday was also (used to be) my union day with my lappy and other gadgets that’s why in spite of my being busy with my regular job and motherhood, I still managed to create blo

Today Is A Good Day To Write - Sharing My Pluviophile Playlist

7:55AM on A Monday, 8th of August 2016 If you happen to see a lady standing under the rain capturing the moment in still photo or video - that is probably me! Up to you if you consider me insane. but hey don't you know this is the reason why I chose a waterproof mobile phone? So I can capture the rain anytime that I'll be caught at the moment. Dunno why, but the rain is my cathartic to a lot of things, It makes me feel calm. Makes me think logical. Makes me break the hiatus on about anything. Motivates me to write (and I'm redundant on anything about the rain so forgive me). Anyway, you might have noticed by now that this is not the first time I posted a rain video on my social media accounts. I think just the other night I also posted one. Though I didn’t like that one much because there was lightning and thunder. It's not calming nor cathartic. I like the rain but not the storm . So just to make this one different, I'm going to share an