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Showing posts with the label Pinoy street games

142/365: A Bit of Nostalgia After Realizing That I Am Not A Toy Person

22nd of May If you were a toy, what kind of toy would you be? The question came from a blogger friend’s post and I was surprised that I can’t give an answer to this question.  After trying for an hour and three returns to Blue’s blog post I gave up.  I went back to Blue’s site, re-read the post and enjoyed reading the awesome comments from Blue’s loyal blogger friends.  Then I typed away my thoughts on why I can’t think of any toy if I am one. I also realized that half of my youth is clogged with traumatic experience of having a mother who was gravely ill.  But before that I was a happy kid. I have lots of good memories particularly back in the house where I was born before moving to the house where we coincidentally found that my mother was ill . (As to why we moved house is another long story). When I was a kid my idea of playing is being outdoor or in the backyard, climbing trees, playing street games, hide and seek, swimming in the river that includes wild diving and a lo