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Showing posts with the label NBA

LINsanity - Jeremy Lin

I’m a big NBA fan! But I’ve been on a bit of a break watching the games this season as I am into a lot of writings lately.  I can’t write while watching NBA specially when Lebron is playing (I’m a big fan duh!).  NBA is one among the few TV shows that can make me really sit and watch television. As far as I can remember this season started immediately after the extended lockout issue. Odom is out from Lakers, Superman Howard still with Orlando, not so much change in Miami, Chris Paul joined Griffin/Clippers, the Kardashian woman filed for divorce vs. her NBA-husband-of-72-days, Kobe’s divorced, Lebron’s engaged and then came… LINsanity! LINsanity what? Who? Some three weeks ago, this Asian kid’s (yes Asian! woot! woot!) story is something that goes like this: he led his high school team to a state championship but was not recruited in college he ended in Harvard but was not drafted immediately he was picked up by the Golden State Warriors but was let go picked up again by