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Showing posts with the label Moths

61/365: Sunday Poem and Photograph: Moth

2nd of March fire is beautiful and we know that if we get too close it will kill us but what does that matter it is better to be happy for a moment and be burned up with beauty than to live a long time and be bored all the while so we wad all our life up into one little roll and then we shoot the roll that is what life is for it is better to be part of beauty our attitude toward life is come easy go easy we are like human beings used to be before they became too civilized to enjoy themselves Excerpts from: The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success ~Kevin Dutton~ Do you agree with the content of that excerpts? I don't. I simply don't because life is too beautiful to turn it to something horrific. The photograph is taken from our own home.  We were preparing for dinner when suddenly these swarm of moths circled around all the lighting in our home except for the bedroom lighting upstairs. I rememb