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Showing posts with the label Mixed Nuts

Mixed Nuts: So Much To Be Thankful For

So February bid goodbye and as it left I wish that it brings along with it the heart aches and pains I had on top of which is the death of my beloved cat. But this does not mean that I despise February.  I still feel so blessed in spite of the heart aches because there’s so much to be thankful for that happened to me on this month. So let’s forget about the heart aches.  Instead I want to share to you all the blessings that I am very thankful for. The promised gift from my anniversary post . Slowly (but surely I hope) I am able to send out the gifts that I mentioned in my anniversary post.  Some of you might be seeing by now that some blogger friends are posting about the thank you cards they received from me.  They are token of appreciation to these blogger friends who never fail to support my blog and for simply being my friends in the blogosphere.  I did not post a list on who are these people because as I always say, I love making simple surprise to people. There are still s