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Showing posts with the label Mac and Me

59/365: Mac and Me: Happy Birthday Mac!

28th of February It’s my BFF’s birthday and I’m cramming to get this greetings done and posted.  Well it’s almost midnight and just few more tick on the clock it’s no longer her birthday (LOL). I’m supposed to write this earlier when I arrived home from work just before going to the celebrant’s dinner celebration.  However I was welcomed at home by the “stroke-triggering“ news that I don’t have an internet!  My DSL is down again and when I called the ( cold )hot line of my “wonderful” (grrr) service provider ,  it made me wait till eternity while listening to their nauseating “voice/music prompt hold” before a human picked up the phone only to tell me that they can not provide me (yet) a concrete information why my internet is down. (What’s new?)   They robotically provided me a reference number and asked for my updated call back number which I’m sure is just a waste of time because they will NEVER EVER call you back to tell you what’s going on! I have a ton of experience and his