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NBA All Star Weekend 2012 (Plus Me and Lebron)

Did I just say that I’m a big NBA fan? Obviously I am, cause here I go writing another post after the LINsanity - Jeremy Lin article.  And another obvious thing and more apt to say is that I’m a Lebronista! As to why – I just simply like how this guy play basketball.  But I do like a lot of NBA players including Kobe, KD, Blake Griffin, Chris Paul and some favorites in each team. That’s why that post about Lin is kind of late.  I’ve been wanting to write something about the phenomenal Linsanity much earlier but, I wanted to see first Lin play against Lebron James/Miami Heat.  After Lin’s  spectacular play against Kobe/LA Lakers and Nowitzki/ Dallas Mavericks where he stole the lime lights from the superstars, everybody is as intrigued as I am to see how he would play versus the team that basketball fans love to hate – the Miami Heat. Miami Heat lead by the the Big Three with their spectacular team play exhibition stopped Linderella to shine at the American Airlines Arena.  I’m sur