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Showing posts with the label Iloilo Esplanade

Sunday Poem and Photographs: Say Hello To An Old Friend

As you walk along the winding path of the Esplanade That embraces the gentle curve of the Iloilo River Say a silent prayer for the long-lost loyal friend That we had covered with filth and almost forgotten When it went out to meet the sea each day Bearing the heavy burdens of our wasteful rituals We feared that it would never return, in anger and In protest against our reckless ways Sing Paeans at the top of your voices To those who brought back the River to life To those who remembered a friend from days gone by To those who cared and saw the beauty beneath the grime. A once dying river now glimmers with hope sublime It still goes out to sea by the moon in its appointed time It silently gathers the wealth of the waters And comes back faithfully in fair of stormy chime. Say hello to a long lost blogger… and that’s me. It’s been a while since my last post. Well believe it or not I was about to make a series of posts starting to my earlier summer escapades and also