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Showing posts with the label Iloilo City

Sunday Poem and Photographs: Say Hello To An Old Friend

As you walk along the winding path of the Esplanade That embraces the gentle curve of the Iloilo River Say a silent prayer for the long-lost loyal friend That we had covered with filth and almost forgotten When it went out to meet the sea each day Bearing the heavy burdens of our wasteful rituals We feared that it would never return, in anger and In protest against our reckless ways Sing Paeans at the top of your voices To those who brought back the River to life To those who remembered a friend from days gone by To those who cared and saw the beauty beneath the grime. A once dying river now glimmers with hope sublime It still goes out to sea by the moon in its appointed time It silently gathers the wealth of the waters And comes back faithfully in fair of stormy chime. Say hello to a long lost blogger… and that’s me. It’s been a while since my last post. Well believe it or not I was about to make a series of posts starting to my earlier summer escapades and also

Sunday Memory and Photograph: Hala Bira Iloilo!

Today, January 26, 2013.  Iloilo is celebrating the climactic Sunday of the biggest festival in this city that is comparable to Cebu’s Sinulog - the Dinagyang Festival 2013.  Expect everyone to be in the streets and shouting Hala Bira! Going back to the Monday that we were leaving Cebu, my heart was aching to stay longer and explore Cebu City.  If not for a business appointment that was waiting for us in Iloilo city, I was ready to miss that Monday morning flight and go on flight hunting once more.  But that was one important appointment that we can not afford to miss so off we go to Cebu International Airport with heavy hearts. “Pit Senyor” was still playing in my ears and my foot is still hopping to the tune.  But as we step on familiar grounds at Sta. Barbara Airport, another festival air welcomed us.  It’s in the breeze, it’s all around us. Hala Bira Iloilo!  It’s the Dinagyang Festival! The photo is taken from one Korean restaurant in downtown Iloilo during the Kasadyaha

Dinagyang 2012–Ati Parade and Competition

I prefer to be in the streets to get the “feel” of the Dinagyang Ati Parade and Competition, rather than have a ticket and be seated in any judging area where the competing tribes will be performing. For me, the seats are for the judges and the full video coverage are for the professionals.  I want the streets where the scenes are real and not choreographed. Braving the blocked roads and the sun-burning weather that climactic Sunday of this year’s (2012) Dinagyang festival, I witnessed and captured the Dinagyang scenes that you can find only in the streets of Iloilo, Philippines. I watched in awe each tribe arrived at the Sports Complex at La Paz, Iloilo City wherein the first judging (main) area will be done.  The first question that came into my mind was, how much is the coveted cash price?  Eventually, I learned that it is “not that big”, not even enough to cover the expenses of the props or the participants’ talent fees if you pay them individually.  Geez! this is what you cal

Iloilo Gearing for Dinagyang Festival 2012

Being in Iloilo for more than a week now, I can’t help but be blown away by the frenzy of the Ilonggos as they prepare for the big day that is called Dinagyang Festival 2012 which highlights is on the third weekend of January (January 20 to 22 for this year). Posters, signage, flaglets/ banderitas can be seen everywhere.  Once you see a bunch of people huddled together the topic of discussion is definitely something about Dinagyang.  The parade route, the traffic and re-routing, store sales, costumes, face mask/paint, tattoo, hair highlights, etc. The fiesta mode is really up in the air.  And like I always do every time I go around anywhere,  I am trying to document important and interesting moments as much as I can .  The week of  Dinagyang is such an interesting subject to document by photos.  Here’s a sort of photo blog on the week of Dinagyang Festival 2012. henna tattoo, hair highlights, costume, face mask/paints are the order of the week     Apart from the official prog