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Showing posts with the label I won't give up

295/365: Sunday Lyrics and Photograph: I Won’t Give Up – A Song Dedicated To My Blog

26th of October It’s 3AM on a Sunday and I am awake.  I am supposed to be sleeping tight by this time.  You know it’s Sunday and there’s no work, no pre-scheduled plans, no socialization commitments nor out of town or whatever.  A rare Sunday moment that I don’t need to be up so early but here I am up! Can’t force myself to go back to sleep so up I go and made myself a mug of coffee.  My foot then automatically leads me to my home desk.  Hello my lappy! Aaah I miss my blog so much!  By this time I already accepted that I failed my own “365 Blogging Challenge”. So far this is the longest time I did not post anything here since I started the challenge. But this doesn’t mean that I’m giving up on my blog or to blogging. There are two major reasons why I started this challenge anyway.  One is that the idiot in me always love to take challenges which are mostly “Mission Impossible” to succeed. The second reason is that this is one way of me not to give up on my passion.  When I sig