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Showing posts with the label Hurray

60/365: The 60-Day Milestone

1st of March Hello March!  Here you are surprising me when I’m not even done with my February postings for my “365 Day Blogging Challenge”.  Your coming made me realized that… I'm definitely nuts! Admittedly February was a struggling month. There were days and weeks that it was impossible for me to sit down and write, even visit my own blogs or to even moderate the comments. I tried to prepare myself for days like this by making my own heads up on how the coming hopelessly busy days will affect my posting.  Drafting some future posts was also not effective because by the time that I go back to those drafts to finalize them, the “feel” and “interest” for the topic is gone .  This is really one hell of a challenge! But if you think that I’m backing out from this challenge because of what I had experienced in the month of February – you are wrong.  Here I am behind by five posts for February and yet I’m still NOT backing out! Yes no! Definitely not!  In fact this became more