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Showing posts with the label Hail To The King of Mercy

130/365: Churches: Hail To The King of Mercy! Featured By A Christian Blogger From The Faraway Island of Surigao City, Philippines

10th of May Christian Song Lyrics – by the title itself of his main blog I knew instantly that I will NEVER receive a no from my blogger friend Mak when I asked him to be my guest blogger for this special feature.  And he actually sent me his entry on the feast day of the Divine Mercy! Wow! Mak is another long time blogger friend.  One of the most supportive and thoughtful one I should say.  Though we haven’t met personally we regularly have interactions through comments and to our social media accounts.  I am blessed to know Mak through the blogosphere and thankful that he is still around. Now if you are wondering who is the pretty girl on the photo with Mak.  Well she is the lucky girl whom Mak got engaged with last December!  Congratulations to both of you! I would also like to invite you to visit Mak’s other home - Mav's Healthy Tips .  But before you do that come travel with me to the beautiful city of Surigao through Mak’s guest post.    ~~***~~ “It is my