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Showing posts with the label GBA Ships

Logos Hope–The Floating Book Fair and More

Like a pirate, I’ve been chasing this voyage for years and luckily this time, AHOY! I’m aboard! this is actually a souvenir poster that I photographed Together with two best colleague friends, we braved the heart of Manila to finally get on board to this traveling book fair that has been evading our schedules for the past several years.  It was on the same day when the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) members gathered together for a prayer rally in Luneta Park.  The consequence of  what might be the effect of this rally did not intimidate us because this is the only best time among our schedules that we could go together. So off we go to our adventure that begun at the first sight of the actual ship and the walk way leading to the ticket booth. My two excited friends in the photo. It was around 2PM and was freaking hot - 30 o C. We were greeted at the entrance by a very friendly and accommodating Greek female crew who patiently answered my queries.   I learned from her that : “