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Showing posts with the label Frozen

50/365: Do I Wanna Build A Snowman?

19th of February Sorry to disappoint you but this has nothing to do with the latest movie craze “Frozen” and to everyone’s LSS for a couple of weeks now. This has something to do with me gaining  a lot of weight since the Manila weather went back to its “tropical mightiness” after a short period of allowing us to display our jackets. Ang init! (It’s so hot!). Apart from eating a lot (due to stress maybe or whatever alibi I have for eating a lot.) I found the other major culprit that is continuously causing my instant chubbiness.  I realized that while I’m enjoying slurping one of them from a Belgian Cone that I bought from a nearby grocery. My son’s version of Banana Split! (LOL) Hubby jokingly blurted “Did you know that there’s no ice-based food with a salty taste?  They are all made from sweet foods.  Well apart from those specialty ice cream that we don’t eat regularly”.  Then it was followed by “And did you notice how often do you eat these sweet ice craze foods late