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Showing posts with the label Enhance Community Quarantine

Sunday Song, Prayer and A Photograph: Why The Happy Birthday Song?

110/366 Quarantine Day 35 I was listening to the Sunday Healing Mass (televised) today which is being officiated by Father Oscar Orbos. This had been a usual in the house even before the lock down brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Every 6:00AM on Sundays, I open the television and our home celebrates the mass via the television.  But, of course we still attend the actual celebration later in the day. One of the lesson that struck me most during this celebration is the advise that Father Orbos gave before his final blessing.  He reminded about washing hands.  He said that instead of singing the Happy Birthday song, why not say the "Hail Mary". Thinking about it I realized its one sensible advise.  My birthday happened last month on the very day that the lock down took effect and there was really nothing "happy" about it.  Birthday celebration in this time of pandemic is not the best thing to do when other people are mourning for the death of their love one

Merry Month of March No More

75/366 Today the 75th day of the year, the government announced that the Enhanced Community Quarantine should take effect on midnight tonight. ECQ for most people is a subtle term for lock down. Today happens to be my birthday as well.  Today will encompassed all previous birthdays that I considered the most memorable ones as today is undeniably my most unforgettable. Yesterday, amidst the anxieties and panic caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, I was lucky (and smart) enough to score myself a birthday cake from SnR.    I remembered to snatch it from the rack and took advantage of the discount as well. We did an early grocery shopping before the lock down takes effect to secure home necessities grabbing on cleaning and hygiene materials.  I bought just enough and throw dagger looks to those who were obviously hoarding. I hoped I was able to help a bit by doing my part of just buying enough and sending signals to those who were hoarding (laughs). Though I can no longer call my birt