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Showing posts with the label Club Manila East

Our Summer Fun at Club Manila East in Taytay Rizal, Philippines. Part 2

Part two of two from this post . The Kiddie Pool with water falls and fountains. Very safe for kids, the water measures just below the knee. I enjoyed just staying under the mushroom-shaped fountain feeling the water wash over my face while watching the little one having fun with the water falls and play with other kids. The Adult Pool with a giant 3-looped slide This is one thing I always look forward in water parks – SLIDE! I love trying on giant slides.  I tried a lot of water slides and I could say that there is nothing extra ordinary in this one.  My all time favorite is from another water park which is called “Magellan’s Drop”. The Zip Line We didn’t tried the zip line.  We came here to swim so we’re totally not interested in the zip line.  There weren’t many people trying the zip line when we were there. As you can see in the picture, the line is passing over the boating area. The Shaded Pool A relief when the other pool’s water is turning into “lukewarm” tempera

Our Summer Fun at Club Manila East in Taytay Rizal, Philippines. Part 1

First off, this is not a paid post. LOL. This is the first series of  posts on our fun and adventure in the list of water parks from this post .  We’ve been to Club Manila East (CME) in Taytay Rizal three times.  Yes THREE!  Consecutively in 2010 and 2011, and a first visit which I still can’t recall the exact year because I can’t locate the photo files yet. The three visits probably explains why CME is on top of my list.  Anyway, as I go along sharing some photos and stories, you can judge if it’s really worth coming back to CME. What I noticed with CME is that every time we come back, they always have new amenities.  I’m supposed to share our own adventure using their website as a guide, but I noticed that the website is not too updated.  There are amenities that are already operational during our last visit, but I didn’t see some of them mentioned in the website.  Anyway, the best way to feature this water park is by sharing our photos and our story, so here we go! The entranc

Waterparks Within and Nearby Metro Manila, Philippines

The heat is on and by the feel of it and according to the country's weather bureau announcement, this freaking heat won't be over soon.  I'm sure a lot of us are looking for ways and places to cool down so I am posting this article that I'm sure will be useful in dealing this "major major" summer heat! For city dwellers, you might be thinking about that summer get-away in far-away beaches and islands but the problem is, you don’t have the time (or the budget) to travel that far so I am suggesting these perfect summer getaway – water parks! I have plenty of these water parks on my list because hubby’s schedule sometimes gets in the way on our summer plan, he’s into soccer by the way.  So every time that we got the opportunity to steal him from his hectic summer schedule we think of these summer destinations within or just around the city: Club Manila East   Km. 24 Manila East Road, Taytay, 1920 Rizal, Philippines Telephone Numbers: (632) 660-2801 / 2