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Showing posts with the label Christmas 2012

2/365: The Things that I Miss When the Christmas Season is Over. (A Repost from My Former Blog)

My second entry for my 365 Day Blogging challenge is a repost from one of my blogs that I already deactivated.  At first I was hesitant to include this on my 365 Day Blogging challenge but this is the most perfect time to re-post this or else I will need to wait another year.  Anyway this is Christmas holiday related so here it is! *****  A lot of things have been said how good it is to spend the Christmas season in the Philippines and just like every Filipino I totally agree to all of them . The Feast of Epiphany was celebrated last Sunday, January 6, this also officially marked that the Philippine Christmas season is over.  In spite of the long season of celebration, I still can’t help but wish that it is still Christmas.  Oh how I enjoyed these things during Christmas and now I am missing them… Simbang Gabi (Dawn Mass) I am one among the Roman Catholics who annually observed this devotion.  Not only that I am completing the nine-day novena, but I also experimented doing it

Mixed Nuts: A Special Acknowledgment Post

Ok I’m not referring here about the popular junk food and the former TV show but I’m referring to several blog post tags and greetings that I need to acknowledge “big time” not only for blogging ethics but also because I sincerely appreciate them “BIG TIME!” I intentionally did not mention about them during the holiday season because my plan is to acknowledge them altogether in one post.  However, I under estimated the thoughtfulness of my fellow bloggers. I did not expect that there would be a lot!  So this post might be a bit long please bear with me because these people deserved a well written acknowledgement. First, the SMP Blog Award and awesome holiday widgets from Maria . First off, I apologize my dear if I didn’t get to reply to this tag during the holidays.  It is for the same reason as I’ve mentioned above.  But nonetheless I just want you to know that this is much appreciated. Who wouldn’t want to be awarded as “Super Miss Popular”!? Aaaw! So here’s my answer to your q

Happy Christmas Everyone! (Maligayang Pasko sa Lahat!)

I’d Miilad said oua sana saida (Arabic) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan (Chinese Mandarin) Sretan Bozic (Croatian) Glaedelig Jul (Danish) Vrolijk Kersfeest (Dutch) Maligayang Pasko (Filipino) Hyvaa joulua (Finnish) Joyeux Noël (French) Fröhliche Weihnachten (German) Kala Christouyenna! (Greek) Selamat Hari Natal (Indonesia) Nollaig Shona Dhuit (Irish) Buon Natale! (Italian) Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto (Japanese) Sung Tan Chuk (Korean) Natale hilare et Annum Faustum! (Latin) IL-Milied It-tajjeb (Maltese) Feliz Natal! (Portuguese) Pozdravlyenie s Rozjdyestvom I s Novym Godom! (Russian) God Jul (Swedish) La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou (Samoan) Feliz Navidad (Spanish) Naya Saal Mubarak Ho (Urdu) Chuc Mung Giang Sinh (Vietnamese) Nadolig Llawen (Welsh) God Jul or Gledelig Jul (Norwegian) Wherever you are regardless of religion and belief, our sincerest wish for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Traditional Filipino Christ