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Showing posts with the label Bonifacio Global City

Post Event Piece: Best Food Forward–A Blast!

“Would you like to taste our Paella? I would be honored if you taste our Paella” That is one among the appetizing and delicious offer from one of the exhibitors at the Best Food Forward event . And when I tasted their Paella, I almost forgot my name LOL! Seriously, I tasted a number of great tasting paella but this one is sooo unforgettable!  And so do with all the food we tasted on this event. All the best food came forward at the NBC Tent last March  24 and 25, 2012.  We were there during the second day and here’s sharing to you some photos that will speak for themselves. photo booth – obviously we had a blast! (look! there's a chilli pepper in my head!) yum and creativity all in one the place, the venue, the décor, the food tents. the food signages the stage, the program, the food bloggers, the people, the cooking demo, the story telling "Are you a crack addict? The pie does not crack.  Nor does the pie contain crack." sweets and creati

My BIRTHDAY! How Did it Go?

This should be a post during the “all about me” week, but I was undecided if I will share this or not.  Until today I was looking for a draft post and accidentally found this untitled draft which is about how I spent my birthday.  Hmn… not a bad draft I thought so I’m sharing it now.  I’m not re-editing, so it will sound like I was talking last week. Also you will find that all photographs are all “dated”.  Here how it goes on my last week writing about my birthday …  As almost everybody know by now, I’m the blogger runner behind the Run! and Keep on Running blog, which if you click that link, you will know how I started my day.  Yep, I started my day the way I started it last year. I run! A morning run is regular for me but I’m putting on extra miles this week because I’m running my first 16K this weekend.  That’s the pros and cons of running on your birthday week.  The pros is it keeps you disciplined and the cons is that you can’t do weird things (which I love to do on my bir

Food Fair: Best Food Forward

As you may have noticed, I have been featuring lots of events, fairs, foreign artists shows, trade exhibits and the likes in this blog, some may think that I’m earning money in doing this but I’m not (at least for now lol). Featuring these events in my blog is my way of helping and promoting the best happenings in the city which name I carry in my blog and where I live and breath.  Obviously, I love this city- ♥Manila♥. So now I guess I have featured a number of different kinds of events, but actually I have been looking for one particular subject that I am very eager to feature – FOOD!  Filipinos are food loving people and this blog wouldn’t be complete without featuring a food fair.  I have been continuously searching for such until I chanced upon one good-looking food event from the lovable people of Nuffnang (I hope I‘ll win the contest - lol again). I'm pretty sure this will be featured in the thousands of food blogs out there but still, here's my pitch. So here’s on