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Showing posts with the label Blue Wave Mall

6/365: Back To Reality While Looking Back at My Holiday That Was.

Why is it that as much as you wanted to linger in the holiday spirit it’s the more you feel that you have just been off loaded from a roller coaster drive?   I mean you are enjoying the spin and yet before you knew it the enjoyable spin suddenly stops and then time is over. This is how I always feel during the Christmas season particularly in the month of December. I feel that things happen so fast and the moment that I am finally enjoying then reality is back - just like a strong thud! Pardon me for ranting about this today.  As you know today is the first Monday of 2014 and most people will be either going back to work, school or to whatever usual regular thing they do. The same thing for myself.  I am now bracing myself to be back to reality.  I just really wish that whatever the coming days will bring will serve as inspiration and not a distraction to my on-going "365 Day Blogging Challenge" . So before I let myself be engulfed by reality, let me check if  I had b

Meeting Good Old Friends During The Holidays Made Yesterday A One Great Day!

I hope that this will not be my final post for 2013 because I have lot of pending stories (random and rants) that I have yet to share.  Though I know it’s kind of  impossible for me to post all of them because there’s just three more days to go and 2013 will be gone. Anyway, I just can’t help but share my so happy moments on my yesterday’s meet up with good old friends. Kids party at a venue that I love with a good old friend and gym buddy. First part of the day is meeting with my former gym buddy Baby whom I started to build friendship way back some ten years or more.  Her granddaughter is celebrating 7th birthday at Gerry’s Grill in Blue Wave Mall.   You see, I can afford to miss personal invitations and parties for myself but when it comes to kids party invitation for my daughter, I am really trying to find time for such invites.  I don’t want her missing the privileged of being invited and her chance for enjoyment and socialization for her young life. More so this time it i