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Showing posts with the label Birthday Run

My BIRTHDAY! How Did it Go?

This should be a post during the “all about me” week, but I was undecided if I will share this or not.  Until today I was looking for a draft post and accidentally found this untitled draft which is about how I spent my birthday.  Hmn… not a bad draft I thought so I’m sharing it now.  I’m not re-editing, so it will sound like I was talking last week. Also you will find that all photographs are all “dated”.  Here how it goes on my last week writing about my birthday …  As almost everybody know by now, I’m the blogger runner behind the Run! and Keep on Running blog, which if you click that link, you will know how I started my day.  Yep, I started my day the way I started it last year. I run! A morning run is regular for me but I’m putting on extra miles this week because I’m running my first 16K this weekend.  That’s the pros and cons of running on your birthday week.  The pros is it keeps you disciplined and the cons is that you can’t do weird things (which I love to do on my bir