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Showing posts with the label A to Z

70/365: All About Me: Finally My A To Z

11th of March   After (roughly) 270 days (8 months) I am finally replying to this tag by Senyor Iskwater  (LOL).   Thank you for this tag Senyor. Well it was not because I forgot about this.  I was just really looking for a perfect time to make this post.  And since I am posting an “All About Me” series in relation to March being my birth month, so this is it! A. Attached or Single? Very attached. Very married.  Till death do we part. B. Best Friend? Sorry but I can’t pick just one.  I have several sets of friends that I already considered as family and they are all my best.  Though I have one BFF that I consider my “other half” because we literally know each other too well.  I won’t mention the name so as not to be biased with my other BFF’s. C. Cake or pie? Cake with coffee please! Anybody sending me one for my birthday?  It’s just few days from now so I need one to blow my birthday candle please? (**grin**) D. Day of choice? Any day with my family E. Essential