Showing posts with label 4th of July. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4th of July. Show all posts

Saturday, July 5, 2014

185/365: Happy 4th To The American Peeps and A Trivia for Pinoys About The 4th of July

4th of July
Happy 4th of July to all our American friends!  Enjoy the fireworks and stay safe!

(History) TRIVIA for Filipinos.

TFil-amhe 4th of July was formerly a legal/non-working holiday in the Philippines until it was abolished during the administration of former President Corazon C. Aquino (under Section 26 of the Administration Code of 1987).

Filipino-American Friendship Day or Philippine Republic Day is a day in the Philippines formerly designated to commemorate the official recognition of Philippine Independence by the United States of America.

The Philippines was a US territory from 1898 to 1946.  Between 1941 and 1946, during World War II Japanese occupation, it remained a US territory with a government in exile headed by Manuel Quezon initially located in Australia and later in the United States. A campaign to retake the country began in October 1944 when Gen. Douglas McArthur landed in Leyte along with Sergio Osmeṅa who had assumed the Philippine Presidency after Quezon’s death. The battle against the Japanese continued until the Empire of Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945. The Philippines got complete independence on July 4, 1946. You may want to view the actual proclamation in 1946. 
Initially the Philippine Independence Day (Araw ng Kalayaan) was held on July 4.  Former President Diosdado Macapagal changed it to June 12 – the date when Malolos Republic had declared independence from Spain in 1898.  Philippine Republic Day was created in its place coinciding with the United States Independence Day on July 4. (Source: Wikipedia)
Now my question is… what if we remained a US territory instead?

Photo source: Google images

Friday, July 5, 2013

July Please Be Good To Me

So I got stuck in the elevator today – July 5th, Friday!  That is while I’m running late for an appointment.  And may I also rant that my left toe is throbbing in pain while I’m writing this. Well the left toe has nothing to do with what happened on the 1st of July.  But it definitely has something to do with what happened on the 2nd day of July.

Ok ok let me wrap it up!

July 1st, Monday
I woke up trying to inhale all the positive vibes because “It’s July” – it kept echoing in my head.
Coffee and running is my way of starting the day right.  Before finishing my morning cup I had a quick trip to the bathroom then hurried back to the breakfast table.  Suddenly there was…

Screetch! – my left foot stepping on an imaginary break to stop my whole body going down.
Dhag!–my right knee hit the floor
(Louder) Dhag! – my left palm hit the sink structure.
Wham! – the kitchen spring door slammed at my back!
Aaw! Aaaaaaw!
No! I’m not wearing high heels! I’m barefoot at home!
Oh no this is not happening! What a way to start July!

My right knee looks fine just a slight swelling but the pain is aaaw!  My left toe showing a minor swelling due to the impact at the lower cupboard.  It’s more painful than the knee but no serious injury as well.  The spring door did not hit me badly either so my back is just fine but my ear can still hear the horrifying slamming sound.  But my palm ball is awfully painful and it’s all blue.  So my left hand spent a non-romantic clasp with an ice pack while I’m finishing my coffee.  I still went on with my morning run.  It loosen up the uptight nerves that’s building.  I then proceeded to do my errands for the day until I had a very frustrating day with the banks.  I decided to cancel my other errands, went home and rant! #JulyPleaseBeGoodToMe!

July 2nd, Tuesday
I went back to the bank and I swear I’m gonna freak out if I will see another “longest queue ever” because I made sure that I will be the first person they will be serving today!  I am at my earliest to the point of being at the bank door when they opened for customer  (LOL I’m so paranoid).  To perk up my day before proceeding to finish my pending errands that I cancelled yesterday I decided to drop by a beauty salon to give my hair the much needed trim (am seriously contemplating if I will have a pedicure).  For some readers who are not aware, beauty salons and the likes are one among my “most hated place”

The salon staff were all smiles attending to me – I’m the first customer.  I asked for the hairdresser who worked on my hair the last time but he’s absent.  Huh! of all the day!  The salon manager was quick and oh so sweet introducing his best hair dresser.  Now it would be very embarrassing for me to leave.  I’m pretty sure they will be cursing me to death if I do.  You know “first customer belief” (buena mano)?

So I’m sitting there all nerves up praying that I won’t be going home with the craziest looking hair cut.  I remember emphasizing “JUST A BIT OF TRIM”.  The sweet hair dresser probably sensing my nervousness started making conversation by saying something about my straight hair. I was smiling at him from the mirror when suddenly aaaw!  The edge of my hair that he was trimming hit the middle of my eye!  Tears automatically welled down and I tried to wipe it out without anybody noticing.  But I’m the only customer at the time so everybody’s eyes are on us.  The manager is alarmingly looking at my hairdresser with the ominous look of “YOU ARE FIRED!”.  I put on my best smile and said that I’m fine (hu hu hu).  I was up on my knee when the trim is over, declined shampoo and blow dry and DEFINITELY NO PEDICURE!   and headed home.  At least I did not went home with a crazy hair cut.

July 3rd, Wednesday
I did not have a body injury at least because I was on the phone for hours early in the morning yelling…

“You haven’t taken care of my phone problem and now I don’t have a DSL?”
”What? You can’t make a report about my DSL problem because I have a pending report about my phone?
Don’t you think it’s plain stupid that you can’t work on my phone problem because your service sucks and I’m the one to suffer about the DSL?
“Why can’t you provide me a connection my IP is dynamic?” .“Do I need to emphasize that I know you can do that?”
” Stop chit chatting me with your techie thing because I know how it works!” . “I’m working on a deadline so I need my internet back now!
the edge of my note pad where I’m jotting down all the names and promises of my phone/DSL provider

My phone problem is not yet fix but at least I have my internet back (while my neighbor does not have theirs yet).

July 4th, Thursday
I stayed home all day worried that the fireworks will fall on my head.  Then I remember that I’m not in the US, but my work time and body clock is.  And its not even 4th of July in the US.  LOL to myself.  Later at night I decided to clean my toe nails and guess what? I wounded my left toe (again) and no one is to be blamed but me.

July 5th, Friday - It’s on the first paragraph.
~ *** ~
So why I rant so much about July?

This should be a prelude to this post and this is a TRUE story…

Once upon three consecutive years of my life on a certain date on the July month I was at the hospital’s Emergency Room (ER). The second year of which I was lying in the operating room while my family wait outside not sure if I’m going out alive.  The doctor gave my family the BEST prescription that can save me – prayers.  And he delivered this news with his fingers crossed before proceeding to the Operating Room to work on me.

I remember some quotations and words of wisdom saying that a date should not define or has nothing to do with someone's life – I beg to disagree! You may forget the birthday when you received the best gift ever. The most happy date of your life. But you will never ever forget the most miserable and worst day of your life more so if on that day you almost die.

I deserved to be crowned as “Positive Queen’ or be awarded with “Best in Move On Award”.  But I tell you one true thing - the month of July never fails to haunt me.

July Smiley
So when I say “July please be good to me!” it’s not because it’s trending.  It is because I really mean it.  Can you blame me?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Randomness on the 4th of July

This has nothing to do with the celebration of  US Independence Day, but just the same “Happy 4th of July” to all our American friends!

It’s the second day that the local authorities declared “No Classes” for the pre-grade and elementary levels in most schools here in Metro Manila due to floods and heavy rains resulting from “low pressure area”.  Yesterday was a whole-wet-day but today the sun is shining a bit but being interrupted by drizzles from time to time.

As expected, the cancellation of classes is trending and social media threads and time lines are flooded with rants from irate parents.  Instead of joining the rants (and reading lots of rants) about the incompetence of the authorities in the announcement of “no classes”, we put on our running gears and headed out to have a run by the bay.

I am thankful that we did!  For out of this randomness, we are able to add more simple but memorable moments in our family life, plus the chance to contemplate some neglected lessons in life.

Sometimes, we are so caught up with our selfishness and bitterness that we missed the opportunity of seizing the good times out of bad times.  If you look at life negatively, the worst is what you get.  But if you look at life positively, the best is what you get.

We always appreciate the beauty of sunset and sunrise.
  Sometimes try to look at the dark clouds and see what you can learn or gain from it. 

When things gone badly, we focus on blaming instead of making it an opportunity to teach and learn from the situation.

When was the last time you told the young people that there are more enjoyable things in life than television and computer games?

my daughter enjoying the sunless sky and some drizzle wearing her singlet from her last run (Hyundai Run).  She will be running in the 5K category of the 36th Milo Marathon on the 29th of this month together with her brother.  Hubby is running 21K while I will be challenging myself to meet the event’s cut-off for the 10K category.

… that the reason for this city flooding is because people don’t know how to take care of the environment.

that whatever you throw , fate and nature will throw them back to you

.... that people face even the worst adversities in life just to keep on surviving.

some people fishing in Manila Bay waters in spite of the weather and polluted water

When was the last time you were photographed by innocent hands?

teaching my daughter to capture a scene with one central subject while giving emphasis on the important things at the background.  see the difference from her first shot vs. the second.


When was the last time you enjoyed buying cheap toys from a roving vendor and enjoy them by yourself?

...  then use that joyful moment as another opportunity to teach some basic lessons in life.

that failure is normal especially during the trial times, but you will improve eventually...


... until you succeed!102_0674

Thank you God for this day!

What To Do When You Left Your Hand-Carry At The Airport of Origin

First, how did it happen?  We almost missed our flight! We were running late, and the cabin door was about to close when we boarded the airc...