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Showing posts with the label 365 Day Blogging Challenge

295/365: Sunday Lyrics and Photograph: I Won’t Give Up – A Song Dedicated To My Blog

26th of October It’s 3AM on a Sunday and I am awake.  I am supposed to be sleeping tight by this time.  You know it’s Sunday and there’s no work, no pre-scheduled plans, no socialization commitments nor out of town or whatever.  A rare Sunday moment that I don’t need to be up so early but here I am up! Can’t force myself to go back to sleep so up I go and made myself a mug of coffee.  My foot then automatically leads me to my home desk.  Hello my lappy! Aaah I miss my blog so much!  By this time I already accepted that I failed my own “365 Blogging Challenge”. So far this is the longest time I did not post anything here since I started the challenge. But this doesn’t mean that I’m giving up on my blog or to blogging. There are two major reasons why I started this challenge anyway.  One is that the idiot in me always love to take challenges which are mostly “Mission Impossible” to succeed. The second reason is that this is one way of me not to give up on my passion.  When I sig

230/365: Mailman Still Exists! And He Delivered Lots Of Love From Verona

28th of August So I was sitting yesterday in the sofa gobbling a variety of food of odd combination plus drowning myself with pure pineapple juice in the late afternoon after doing the (forbidden) laundry, when suddenly I was startled by a fierce knocking on our front door accompanied by the shouting of my full name that can be heard up to the next barangay. I almost knocked down the foldable table that carries the food I’m gobbling while hurrying to check who the h*ll this intruder interrupting my glutton solitude. (I was eating a lot thinking that I could regain my lost strength for not resting while I’m unwell). I peeked at the window and found a wrinkled old man with a bag dangling on his shoulders.  The bag looks like as old as the man who is wiping his forehead with his left hand while his right hand is holding a bunch of envelopes.  Aaaah!  It’s the mailman!  I curiously asked, “Why didn’t you just leave the mail at the gate like you usually do? And the mailman’s reply

239/365: Feeling A Little Unwell

27th of August I’m writing this around 7AM in the morning.  The kids are already out for school. I’m supposed to be out for work also by this time but I decided last night when I woke up around grave yard time that I am not reporting for work today. I was feeling a little unwell for two days now so I thought of surprising my own body and give it a rest day (LOL). There were number of people from work who were absent yesterday because they were sick.  The virus probably got me and my body decided to go along with it.  Or… probably not! Why?  Here’s why. So I slept early last night after taking paracetamol.  In fact too early that I am unable to eat my dinner.  Then what happened is that I woke up before the break of the dawn and I can’t make myself to go back to sleep to rest more as I planned to do the whole day.  I went down and thought of checking my emails using my lappy instead of my mobile phone while thinking that it would also be a good time to check on my blogs.  Bu

229/365: Sunday Quote and Photograph: A Realization That I Got From A Snail

17th of August Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery that you miss by going so fast But also miss the sense of where are you going and why. ~Eddie Cantor~ Everyday that I wake up and look at the calendar I always ended up frowning.  It never fails to cause me to chuckle and ask the question “Is it really that date today?”  Everyday seems like I’m days behind to so many things and trying to catch up with time seems not possible. Am I the only one who feels this way? That everyday that I checked on the calendar I get frustrated that I am unable to do the things that I should have done or accomplished because I’m still catching up with the ones I thought I’m behind? Or are we all in the same frustration? A trip, tidying a part of the house that has long been neglected, visiting someone in the hospital (who was discharged before you were able to visit), movie time, shopping time, or just simply buying a bike part or whatever for your son, daughter, siste

224/365: Remembering Robin Williams as Patch Adams. (Insert Sad Face Here).

12th of August Who doesn’t know Robin Williams? And who is not affected by his sudden demise? Robin Williams probably won’t get the highest score for a survey question “Who is your favorite actor? “ Not because he is not popular in the “heartthrob-kind-of-way” but because he is an automatic favorite.  One need not say that he is a Robin Williams fan because everybody is a Robin Williams fan.  And I’m sure everyone can “dig” what I’m trying to say here. I guess the best question when it comes to Robin Williams is “What is your favorite Robin Williams movie or character?.”   Genie (Aladdin)? Mrs. Doubtfire?  Bicentennial Man? Or Mork (and Mindy)?  I bet you won’t be able to pick one quickly because just like the man, his movie character(s) is as versatile as the actor.  He has this extra-ordinary talent that leaves a unique mark to anyone who watch his movies.  It’s like an “imprint”.  Isn’t that when you pick a movie to watch and you saw that it is a Robin Williams film you ne

215/365: Sunday Song and Photographs: Sorry Is All That You Can’t Say

3rd of August   Why people find it hard to say “I’m sorry”?  Even for the most obvious reason? Sorry Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like sorry Forgive me Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like forgive me forgive me But you can say baby Baby can I hold you tonight Maybe if I told you the right words At the right time you’d be mine I love you Is all that you can’t say Years gone by and still Words don’t come easily Like I love you I love you The song is an original by Tracy Chapman released in 1988 which the boy band Boyzone released a cover in 1997.  I definitely love the original than the cover, it is sang more soulfully.  The most striking part of the song for me is the opening line “Sorry” which I dedicate to people who can’t make apologies even for the most obvious reason. True that it takes a lot of courage to say I’

214/365: Philippine Festivities in the Month of September

2nd of August WAKE UP when September comes because here is the exciting list of festival for the first “ber” month! HANDURAW FESTIVAL, Leon, Iloilo - September 1 HINIRUGYAW FESTIVAL, Cabatuan, Iloilo - September 1- September 10 VICTORY DAY, Kiangan, Ifugao - September 2 TUNA FESTIVAL, General Santos City - September 5 SINAB’BADAN TRIBAL FESTIVAL,  Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur - September 5- 6 SIPONG FESTIVAL, Bais City, Negros Oriental - September 7 SARAKIKI-HADANG FESTIVAL, Calbayog City, Western Samar - September 7 PADUL-ONG FESTIVAL, Borongan, E. Samar - September 7 TAMBOBO FESTIVAL, Ajuy, Iloilo - September 8-10 MINULUAN FESTIVAL, Talisay City, Negros Occidental - September 8-10 PANAGDADAPUN FESTIVAL (ARAW NG QUIRINO), Cabarroguis, Quirino - September 8- September 10 LINGGO NG BULAKAN, Malolos, Bulacan - September 8- September 15 PARADA NG KAKANIN / FESTIVAL OF NUESTRA SENORA DE ARANZAZZU, San Mateo, Rizal - September 9 BANOK-BANOK MARADJAO KARADJAO FESTIVAL (STREE

178/365: Wok With Balut: Vegie Omelette

27th of June I woke up too early today and thought I could whip something in the wok for breakfast.  Maybe I’m feeling tired of eating quick breakfast of bread, butter, spreads cold cuts etc. And I don’t know but I’m starting to frown for consecutive mornings that I’m seeing my youngest pouring her favorite cereal on her bowl.  I don’t know but I’m not a cereal fan and I don’t sort of believe that kids get enough energy they need in the morning from a bowl of cereal.  I’m still biased with that rice and something in the morning.  I’m Filipino hey! So with my eyes still half-close: 1. I grab some potato, carrots and chayote, butter and eggs from the fridge 2. Chopped the potato, carrots and chayote in small cubes 3. Sautee them altogether in just enough amount of butter 4. Beat eggs in a bowl then added some salt and seasoning 5. Pour some amount of the beaten eggs in the same pan where I sauteed the cube vegies. 6. Then added just enough amount of the buttered vegies on the

170/365: Something About “Joe” On His Birthday

19th of June Believe it or not I had several units of Jose Rizal courses back in college but if I will be asked “ What happened to the remains of our national hero Jose P. Rizal after he was executed?” – I can not answer that. Not so long ago I heard the same question was asked in a TV show similar to the concept of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” and nobody among the contestants was able to answer.  I remember researching for an answer for this question but failed to find the answer I was looking for. So this question remained parked on my head unanswered until one day while I was exploring the historical Paco Park I found the exact answer. The tomb stone says: Jose Rizal Executed 30 December 1896.  Interred secretly in this spot by the authorities on the same day.  Guarded for fifteen days by the Guardia Civil Veterana.  Remains exhumed 17 August 1898.  Placed in an urn made by Teodoro Romualdo De Jesus.  Deposited in the house of his mother in Estraude Street, Binond

167/365: Warning: This Is A Rant Post On A Monday The 16th!

16th of June Rant 1 Prelude Just when I set my mind that this first day of the week will not just be fine but great.  So I tried inhaling all the positive vibes to start my day right and promised to stretch it through the whole week, then suddenly baaam! it’s ruined! “I'm no political I'm no showbiz. I say facts straightforward because I believe I don't need to please people in stating the facts” This is me – always do and always will be.  Sadly most people (especially at work)  will not appreciate your straightforwardness, honesty and frankness.  They choose to hear sugar coated things rather than the truth.  Their stupid egos can’t handle the truth! Rant 2 Do you know a person who has gotten a minor title (maybe) for the first time in her life suddenly went floating from her own-created hurricane wind and wants everybody to bow down to her “power”? The phrase “I’m the Queen of the world!” is written all over her face? Well it would be lovely to tell her … “

166/365: Happy Father’s Day and Happy More

15th of June Happy Father’s Day to you all great FATHERS out there! Happy Birthday to my dear blogger friend BLUE! Wish you all the best! Happy Sunday to all! Or whatever day you are in right now! Just be happy!

164/365: Randomness On A Friday the 13th

13th of June Seemed like I woke up at the wrong side of the bed today that I somewhat I feel this day would not be at it’s best.  Well I am not actually hoping for a best or better day.  A good day would be enough for me just as long as it would not be “bad”. I checked on my calendar and realized that today is Friday the 13th !  And marked on my today’s schedule is a visit to the doctor for my second shot of anti-rabies . Whew!  what a good day to have an injection – on Friday the 13th huh!  Not that I’m superstitious about this day but… there are lots of days in the calendar hey!  Why does it need to be today?  Injection is not everybody’s favorite anyway.  I’m sure a lot will agree with me that going to the doctors is not fun – emotionally and financially My husband is one example of a “no doctor visit policy”.  So it’s another challenge today that I’ll drag him to the doctor’s clinic not only to drop me off but also to get that medical certificate that he needs in order to

163/365: Happy Independence Day To Us. Freedom!

12th of June Today the Philippines is celebrating its 116th Year of Independence or as what we call it in the Filipino language “Araw ng Kasarinlan” . Independence Day (Filipino: Araw ng Kasarinlan; also Araw ng Kalayaan, lit. "Day of Freedom") commemorating the Philippine Declaration of Independence from Spain on June 12, 1898. It is considered as the country's National Day. (Source: Wikipedia) The Philippine Independence Day is a legal holiday in the Philippines so most business establishments are closed.  Not for me though.  I’m working today so I will have the independence of being paid in double ha ha. I invited my BFF who is not working today to come over to my work place in Makati City so we could have some bonding time after I get off from work. As the nation observed the traditional Independence day celebration, me and my BFF is having our own version of independence.  The independence to… 1. Eat We ate in a Donut and pastry house.  2. Stroll. We wen

161/365: Cat Misery – Bitten!

10th of June How ironic it is that it was just yesterday when I was sharing a story about the mystery of a dead cat and my usual passion towards stray cats.  Today a very unfortunate incident involving a cat happened again. It was raining hard all night and it was still raining in the dawn when I woke up today so I decided to get up early and prepare for work.  Living in Manila for years I am certain that heavy traffic is expected on this kind of weather.  Most likely the roads are flooded.  As I was preparing for work I was also stressing myself on how can I go to work early.  Today is an important day and I can’t be late.  Leaving home the earliest is the only solution so I’ll have extra time if ever an untoward incident happens. So it was still dark when I hurriedly stepped out of our door all dressed up with my heeled shoes on.  Suddenly there was a wild sound from a cat who got hurt followed by a searing pain in my lower right leg. I stepped on a cat and it attacked me!

160/365: Cat Mystery

9th of June My family’s schedule did not match yesterday Sunday which resulted for me catching the last Sunday mass alone at 8:00PM.  There is just one church is celebrating the 8:00PM mass which is a walking distance from home so I walk myself to catch this last mass.  I was enjoying the traffic-less Sunday night while I’m taking the short cut way to the church along the residential areax when suddenly something broke my peaceful walk. A dead cat is lying in the middle of the residential street that I’m taking.  It was obviously ran over by a vehicle because I can clearly see the head injury where the blood was still coming out.  As you know, there are just few things that can make me stop and stare while I’m on the street and one of them is (stray) cat.  When it’s alive and needs help I usually pick them and placed on a safe place.  But this one is dead.   I was considering to pick-up the dead cat but I am aware that it is unhygienic if I won’t be able to wash my hand immed

159/365: Sunday Song and Photograph: In My Dreams

8th of June There was a time some time ago When every sunrise meant a sunny day, oh a sunny day But now when the morning light shines in It only disturbs the dreamland where I lay, oh where I lay I used to thank the lord when I'd wake For life and love and the golden sky above me But now I pray the stars will go on shinin' You see in my dreams you love me Daybreak is a joyful time Just listen to the songbird harmonies, oh the harmonies But, I wish the dawn would never come I wish there was silence in the trees, oh the trees If only I could stay asleep At least I could pretend you're thinkin' of me 'Cause nighttime is the one time I am happy You see in my dreams We climb and climb and at the top we fly Let the world go on below us We are lost in time And I don't know really what it means All I know is that you love me In my dreams I keep hopin' one day I'll awaken And somehow she'll be lying by my side And as I wonder if the dawn is r

152/365: The Viking From The North Talks About Norway’s Oldest Stave Church

1st of June Roffe - The Viking From The North (Norway) is a long time blogger friend.  If I remember it right it has been since I started this blog.  He is one among the few long time blogger friends who still around and actively blogging.  If you will check on Roffe’s site you will find that he’s been blogging for quite a long time now and he has several blog sites too.  His blogs have quite a number of regular visitors and followers.  No wonder Roffe’s sites also have good page ranks consistently. I learned a lot about Norway from Roffe.  Its culture and tradition, food, occasion, season and a lot more.  Reading along Roffe’s post is like reading a concise encyclopedia about Norway.  He also shares his experiences and adventures outside Norway.  His blog site is very informative and entertaining at the same time. What I admire about Roffe’s blog entries is his unique way of posting short yet so interesting posts.  Which is what I have been trying to learn.  He has this uni

151/365: I Know It's Saturday And I'm Supposed To Post About Churches But…

31st of May I just finished watching the Game 6 of the 2014 Eastern Conference Finals of the NBA and “my” team won! So… You know I’m a HUGE fan! forgive me I just need to shout this CONGRATULATIONS to MIAMI HEAT – the 2014 Eastern Conference Finals Champion! The  FOURTH!  Of course a HUGE congratulations also to our very own pride the Philippine AZKALS!   Don’t be in despair guys for not getting the gold. We are so proud of you for just merely playing at the AFC Challenge Cup Finals! We know that it was not an easy challenge! The gold will come soon just go on believing! Watch out for an exciting guest post tomorrow from  the“Viking from the North” about an extra-ordinary church. Photo credits: Google images

147/365: Happy Birthday To The Only One Who Stole My Heart Away

27th of May I was a wild young woman, the kind of elusive wildness.  Not wanting someone to hold my reign.  I don’t want to be in a relationship because for me it was just a complication. So I kind of scared the young men around me which in effect made me successful in putting most of them at the “friend zone”.  Until one brave heart came along. He talks less but does more. He doesn’t promise anything. He just surprised me big time. He was not a knight in shining armor but a “kicker”.  A silent but one deadly kicker.  Before I knew it “he stole my heart away”.  And until now he owns it. Every time I hear this song I’m seeing the face of the “Only Man Who Stole My Heart Away”.  Lionel’s original version is great but I prefer the reggae cover by Big Mountain because that’s what kind of thing that we have – cool! You stole my heart away You stole my heart away Oo baby, let me show ya... Let me tell you now All that's on my mind For a love like yours Is oh, so very ha

143/365: The Church of Meycauayan, Bulacan–Parish of St. Francis of Assisi

24th of May 2014 I was imagining the faces of Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara stealing glances with each other at the church patio while the “Guardia Civil” are scattered all over the church yard watching the simply dressed “indio”.  Horses hooves can be heard approaching holding the reigns are the “konstable”.  “Donyas” in thick “colorete” fanning profusely under their ruffled umbrellas hurrying to be inside the church to avoid the blazing heat of the sun.  Someone called my name and I was jolted back to reality!  I found myself under the blazing heat of the sun wearing jeans and flip flops and holding a camera to document this unbelievably old-looking structure. I looked at the direction where my name was called and found hubby gesturing me to move a little closer to the structure while taking this photo from another camera and a mobile phone. That call from hubby confirmed that I was in the modern time. It was during the lent of the year 2012 and I was doing my Vicita I