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Showing posts with the label #COVID19

Sunday Memories and Photographs: The Manila Cathedral And Everything Nice Around It

138/366 Quarantine Day 63 ~ It's funny when I read from somewhere how people classify the current date under "BC" which stands for "Before Corona" so it would read like AD (Anno Domini) and BC (Before Christ).  Thinking back from the last time I really had an enjoyable wandering before the lock down was mandated, the classification seems valid though.  It gives you the feel that the last time you had the freedom to be out and wander was some hundred years back and not just some months ago. More than 60 days into the lock down, we are all probably wondering when and where was the last time you had a nice wandering before the government-mandated lock down caused by the COVID19 pandemic forced us to stay put. For me, it was a week before the declaration of the total lock down which was March 08, 2020 BC to be exact.  It was a very happy chance! A happy chance because we never planned to visit the place where we enjoyed our time.  It was a result of some u