Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday Quote and Photograph: Forgive Them Anyway–Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.

If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.”


The photograph subject was from a pamphlet given to us along with some rosaries by the missionary nuns when we visited Missionaries of Charity Home of Joy for the Sick Children in Tondo, Manila, Philippines.

I took the photos earlier today as I woke up inspired by the news that Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be canonized.   Then I posted this at around 6:00 PM on a Sunday, 4th of September 2016 while watching CNN's current news that the noble Mother Teresa has just been named a SAINT!

She’s now Saint Teresa but I still prefer to call her my Mother Teresa.



Mother Teresa is known in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta since her canonization today 4th September 2016. She was an Albanian Roman Catholic nun and missionary born Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu on August 26 1920 and died on September 5, 1997.  She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religeous congregation which run homes for people dying of HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis. Source: Wikipedia


This post first appeared on my:

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: The Mojos Are Back

It’s Sunday and raining heavily everywhere, my whole hypothalamus system is celebrating yey!
Sunday is usually my laziest day of the week.  When the family is not out during Sundays, this is when you will literally find my body littering and loitering in every corner of the house except in the corners where the wifi signal is weak ha ha.  This is the time when I’m ignoring the dusts, the sink, the laundry etc etc.  This is the time when my being OC is in immunity mode.

Though sometimes my being a mother interfers with my lazy Sunday when hubby and kids specifically request for a dish or menu that they missed from my cooking.  If not, then we are all dependent to food delivery or eat out on Sundays. You can also call this as my procrastination day or whatever term that is synonymous to being LAZY!  yes LAZY!

Sunday was also (used to be) my union day with my lappy and other gadgets that’s why in spite of my being busy with my regular job and motherhood, I still managed to create blog posts from time to time.  Reading online about miscellaneous topics was also my time to sneak in my blog hopping. 

Then suddenly… for some reason that I can’t really recall (until today) I stopped blogging, blog hopping and stop doing things related to blogging.  HIATUS! Even updating my social media accounts became lesser, to the point that my Instagram “The366DaysAttempt2016” was also affected.  Though I have daily photos to post, my interest became as tasteless as the sugar brand “Equal”.

Today… tonight… I found myself reading stories in Wattpad, I rested for a while to stay away from the lappy’s heat but before I left my swivel I grabbed one of the books piled on my home desk beside my lappy.  As usual It’s one of Jessica Zafra’s which later I realized I’m done halfway with the book but… unfinished.  Just like the rest of the books that I started some six months ago.

After the book break I remember I was googling something when I chanced upon a link that mentioned about my blog site.

Bos Coffee

I won’t detail how this made me feel “emo”.  But after reading the link I started typing away.

Finally I am materializing what I have planned with my “The366DaysAttempt2016”.  I picked a skeleton post from my Instagram and created a full blog post.


This post first appeared on my Instagram and Twitter.

Instagram 08152016

The scene was captured at past 3AM on a Monday but this was a scene the whole day of Sunday, 14th of August 2016.

Books, Wattpad and Open Live Writer are all present on this Sunday – the whole day.   This means that I’m back to reading real books and online and OMG blogging! 

Hope the mojos would stay and not only an effect of my pluviophile heart and brain.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Today Is A Good Day To Write - Sharing My Pluviophile Playlist

7:55AM on A Monday, 8th of August 2016

If you happen to see a lady standing under the rain capturing the moment in still photo or video - that is probably me!

Up to you if you consider me insane. but hey don't you know this is the reason why I chose a waterproof mobile phone? So I can capture the rain anytime that I'll be caught at the moment.

Dunno why, but the rain is my cathartic to a lot of things, It makes me feel calm. Makes me think logical. Makes me break the hiatus on about anything. Motivates me to write (and I'm redundant on anything about the rain so forgive me).

Anyway, you might have noticed by now that this is not the first time I posted a rain video on my social media accounts. I think just the other night I also posted one. Though I didn’t like that one much because there was lightning and thunder. It's not calming nor cathartic. I like the rain but not the storm .

So just to make this one different, I'm going to share another idiosyncrasy of mine on being a pluviophile.  When it's raining I'm playing songs about rain... go ahead laugh!  But you might want to listen to my "Pluviophile List"

10. Rain by Creed
  9. Early Morning Rain by Peter Paul and Mary
  8. Crying In The Rain - Cover by A-Ha
  7. Rhythm Of The Rain By Cascades
  6. November Rain by Guns N' Roses
  5. Have You Ever Seen The Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival
      (This is a 1970's song but I also like the 2006 Rod Stewart cover)
  4. Tag-ulan by After Image
  3. Ulan - (I love the original by Rivermaya but) Bamboo's version is gold
  2. Ulan by Cuesh
  1. Sa Tuwing Umuulan - Earser Heads Cover (Regine Velasquez cover when I'm feeling "emo")

I just listed ten songs but there's actually more.  What about you? Do you play songs about rain when it's raining? 

If anybody is searching among my list the song "Basang-Basa Sa Ulan" by Aegis - it's not in there but I play it when I'm trying to annoy a person who's on emo due to a heart problem .   I usually play this song when the person is least expecting it and it never fails to make everybody laugh ha ha.

This post first appeared on my 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Windmills On My Mind

I’m writing this around 5:00 AM on a Black Saturday, 26th of March

I’m still fascinated by the feeling I experienced when I get to come near and see with my own naked eye this fascinating creation – a WINDMILL!  

54 MW Pililla Windfarm - Sitio Bugarin, Pililla Rizal

The WINDMILL which actually is a product of human technology but I confess that I am soo soo fascinated with it.  So you must understand that I will be narrating my experience through this post with much feelings to the point of over reacting (forgive me)! 

Seeing a real windmill is actually in my secret bucket list that is why the wind farm in Ilocos Norte is in my travel list this year so I can see the Bangui Wind Farm.  While waiting for my hopeless schedule to free-up so I can sneak the Ilocos Norte travel plan, I came across a post by a fellow blogger about a wind farm in Pililla, Rizal. I was like – OMG! it’s technically within Manila!

So you can’t imagine my excitement when while we were driving through the mountainous and beautiful roads of Rizal during our annual Vicita Iglesia, I spotted a glimpse of the gigantic tall windmills towering among the mountains of Rizal!

I was screaming excitedly to my husband that we need to get off!  And when we reached the foot of the hill where the windmills are planted , I was over excited that I didn’t even feel the burning temperature of the vicinity. I ignored the burning heat, the dust and vehicles that were driving through and out of the hill. I completely forgot everything! I was just looking up astounded by the sight of the windmills.

CONFESSION:When I came very near the foot of the windmill, the sight overwhelmed me. I was drowned was engulfed by an unexplainable feeling while watching the blades gracefully but powerfully rotating in front of me. I became more fascinated by nature - unbelievably thinking how STRONG the wind that can make these gigantic blades to wheel.

While hubby was taking my photos with the windmills as back draft, I was actually checking my back from time to time  I was paranoid with the idea that the giant blades will slash my back. Crazy thoughts I know but it’s actually what I felt.

Windmill 2

  Windmill 1

One of my most fave TV advertisement when I was young was the “Dutch Maid Milk” commercial.  I’m not sure if anyone out there can still relate to this (LOL).  The reason why I like this ad is because there were windmills on that advertisement (another LOL to myself).  When I’m mentally writing stories (yes I do that) with farm setting, there’s always a windmill in my mental illustration.  This is how much I’m fascinated with windmills back then and till now.

The "Pililla, Rizal" Wind Energy Service Contract granted to Alternergy Philippine Holdings Corporation (APHC) covers an area of 4,515 hectares.  This Wind Energy Service Contract (WESC) has two phases, Pililla Wind Power Project and the Mt. Sembrano Wind Power Project.  The project consists of 27 wind turbine generators grouped into three clusters with aggregate capacity of 67.5 megawatts (MW). The said project, after completion will interconnect to Meralco’s Malaya-Teresa 115 kilovolts (kV) transmission line located just 10 kilometers from the project site Source: Wikipedia

The title of this post is inspired by the song titled "The Windmills of Your Mind" by the French composer Michel Legrand and English lyrics written by American Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman.  The song was introduced in the film "The Thomas Crown Affair" in 1968 and won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in the same year.  Several great singers recorded this song but I love the version by Barbara Streisand and Jose Feliciano. Source: Wikipedia

The same song is the background music in the video on this post.


This post is part of my “The 366 Days Attempt 2016”  and first appeared on my:

What To Do When You Left Your Hand-Carry At The Airport of Origin

First, how did it happen?  We almost missed our flight! We were running late, and the cabin door was about to close when we boarded the airc...